The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

There are TT hens at the beginning of this post with much bigger combs than the one in your pic. I believe TT's are sex-linked & roos are a different color at hatch. I haven't even seen a TT roo yet so I believe they may call the roos something else entirely.
I know that they are part "white leghorns" but looks like a Roo to me well all of the white leghorns look like Roos to me LOL
please tell me I am wrong

I could be wrong but that looks like a roo. From what I have read they are feathered sexed. Both male and females are yellow at hatch and are sexed by the wing feathers. Males are slower to feather than the females. One way to check is to look at their feathers girly feathers are rounded at the tips like a spoon and boy feathers are pointed. Look at the hackle and saddle feathers. Even when people said mine where boys the feathers said otherwise.
I made a special trip to TSC to see these babies. Someone bought a WHOLE tub of them. I took some pictures....Is the little black dot natural or are they marked so you can identify them?
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I got some of what I believe are Tetra Tints at TSC a few weeks ago. I originally had 6 but one died a few days after I brought them home. (sniff sniff ) So out of the 5, I have one that was bigger ( week older perhaps ?? ) than the rest of them. She didn't have of the little black spec's on her.
By searching this forum, I found this thread after someone told me they could be or probably were Tetra Tints.

One of my chicks had a light brown "mask" on her face and she is now white and a brown/rust/copper color. Very pretty ~!

The big girl is still pure white and although I wasn't thrilled with them going to be white hens eventually, the little stinkers have REALLLLLLLLLY < grin > grown on me. Very friendly and curious and not afraid of much at all ( aka cats )
The three others are white with some black on their wings ( and one of these girls is starting to get the brown/copper/rust color on her breast feathers ). Funnily enough the brownish / white colored girl has a black spot on her wing which I only discovered after a silly photo.

Did I mention that I really like these chicks ? < huge grin >

I *was* thinking of giving them to my aunt but I'll keep them ......

I already had 6 Buff Orpington hens and now I have 20 chicks that are approximately 5 weeks and 7 weeks.

I ended up with 2 Amber Links ( rescues of sorts and UBER sweeeeeeeet ) , 5 Tetra Tints, 1 Golden Comet , 3 EE'ers , 3 Black Sex Links and 6 production reds.

The odd thing, I did find out via store manager at our local TSC that they do get their chicks from Mt Healthy.
I sent photos to Mt Healthy and was told that the 3 with the black on their wings were probably the columbian Rock mix birds and the other two were Tetra Tints. However, I think they're all TT's.

I guess all in all, I dont care what "breed" they are because they've grown on me and are really sweet chicks BUT I was curious if anyone had any with black on their wings and some of the brownish color on them as well ?
I find that combination really neat.
when we get a shipment of chicks at TSC the box is marked with variety and count. If Mt Healthy sent chicks that weren't TTs in a box marked for TTs then there is a problem at Mt Healthy ant TSC corporate NEEDS to know about it
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I'm working on my beloved to allow chickens here for next year and the Tetra Tints are the ones I want (and maybe a banty just cause they're so cute!!) I have a year to get him use to the idea =)
I own a Feed and Seed store in Georgia and I ordered Tetra Tints from Mt Healthy. They are not just for Tractor Supply Stores. I ordered only hens and so far they are very pretty birds about 1 1/2 months old. Two of the hens have feathers on their feet so I don't know if these bird can sometimes have them or not....or if they sent me a couple extras...I intend to call the hatchery and ask. I don't know what they are crossed with either but am understanding the "tint" refers to the tinted egg color. We shall see....

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