The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Well, I am sorry, but I have never heard of those colors - or that name "Bellecross" - and none of those birds look like Welsummers to me.

The Silver Hen looks like my Silver Phoenix Hen - even to the tail feathers which are long and held low like a Phoenix does, but not a Welsummer. The Gold girl, I have no clue what she is. The feather pattern is completely wrong for Welsummer - and the colors are wrong too.

I looked them up and I am still confused, Bellecross sells Gold Duckwing Welsummers and Partridge Welsummers - but no Silver Welsummers. I have never heard of Gold Duckwing Welsummers - only the standard Partridge color which is all I have ever seen.

Does anybody else have more information about these birds?
I'm guessing the OP is not in the US? We don't have the Silver or Gold Duckwing in the LF version that I'm aware of. They do exist though, but only in the bantam version here in the US - unless someone is breeding them and not advertising it. The hen looked like a silver duckwing coloring - but not a Welsummer - wrong body shape - but I'm not familiar with the cross that was referred to either.

These aren't the best examples of the variety, but pictured below are my Bantam Silver Duckwing Welsummers
A lot of work to be done on improving them!!!

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When I looked them up they are overseas, perhaps that's why I have never heard of them. Salkxsj did say they were bantam - and I did find Bellecross has Silver Welsummer roosters - so they probably have both.

Interesting birds, seldom seen over here. Salkxsj, you might want to put your location in your profile so we know where you are. Perhaps somebody around you would like them?
Ok... I've seen all these pictures, and now I have to show my two new pullets.
We bred them here using our hen and rooster,
And our Blk Australop playing mamma!

The two on the left are Welsummers. They are supposed to be hens but I'm not sure yet, how can you tell at this age? They are 4 weeks old in the photo.
I am sure that they are pullets, because of the line behind the eye. Welsumer chicks are auto-sexing, you can see the difference between cockerels and pullets on the first day. When they are completely dry from the incubator you will notice that they do not all have the same colour. Some of them show clear markings and a line behind the eye (pullet), and some of them are not sharply marked (and the brown stripe at their back is lighter) and do not have a line behind the eye (cockerel)
I am sure that they are pullets, because of the line behind the eye. Welsumer chicks are auto-sexing, you can see the difference between cockerels and pullets on the first day.When they are completely dry from the incubator you will notice that they do not all have the same colour.Some of them show clear markings and a line behind the eye (pullet), and some of them are not sharply marked (and the brown stripe at their back is lighter) and do not have a line behind the eye (cockerel)

Here are some pics of my Welly rooster at about 5 days old, he had the eyeliner:

I would add that the chick with the "eyeliner" lacks the prominent "V" on the top of the head. I usually look for both for a female.
As long a I am writing, the pullet chicks above also have the salmon colored breast feathers coming in. Usually by this stage (4 weeks) you will see black breast feathers on cockerels and salmon colored ones on pullets.
Cute chicks, though. Very nice.
I'm looking for about 10 Welsummer pullets, anyone know where I can find some good ones in the Houston, TX area?

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