The Welsummer Thread!!!!


Late afternoon rain rolled in. I went out to check on the girls. Once they heard my voice, they all came out of the coop to see what's up.
Well, i have done some research and believe my roo may still be a wellie! Which makes me so happy. I saw some pics that have similar coloring. He is kind of dark for a wellie, but he definitely has orange wing feathers and a couple bright orange feathers that peak out around the bottom of his neck. He is finally starting to get longer saddle feathers but they are kind of dark. He is an amazing roo. So good to the girls and not overly amorous. My girls love him and he is very predator conscious. He will hide all his girls if he hears a hawk.
Adorable. Mine had a small mouse for a treat last week. Very efficient little hunters those Wellie girls. While my BO hens bleated and tweeted in alarm, one of the Welsummer girls grabbed the mouse, gave it a vicious shake to dispatch it and then paraded around the pen with it in her beak, all puffed up and proud of herself before she gulped it down.

I offered to bring her into the house and put the cat out in the coop.
Candled my eggs tonight. Couldn't really see much. Going to look again at day 10 and 14 then wait and see. Not had experience with such dark eggs. And here I thought my green EE eggs were tough my first time through. Lol
Yes, the dark brown eggs are a challenge. I used an extra bright LED flashlight and candled at night to get the utmost transparency. They never were as visible as the Buff O eggs but I was able to see a blood ring on one egg and an embryo at about 14 days. The rest were like a Christmas present. Just didn't know what you were going to get till the box was opened.
Adorable. Mine had a small mouse for a treat last week. Very efficient little hunters those Wellie girls. While my BO hens bleated and tweeted in alarm, one of the Welsummer girls grabbed the mouse, gave it a vicious shake to dispatch it and then paraded around the pen with it in her beak, all puffed up and proud of herself before she gulped it down. 

I offered to bring her into the house and put the cat out in the coop.

Too funny!!

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