The Welsummer Thread!!!!

I was going to say that I had pretty good luck with the Vaseline, or Bag Balm also during cold spells last winter. Hens that I managed to catch and grease up fared much better than those I didn't. Nor did it seem to attract dirt any more than I expected it to. I applied when I heard temps were edging towards the teens and just applied as needed. 

Just a note.I didn't glob it on either but found that the roosters with big wattles fared better when I applied Vaseline and they shed water off their wattles when they drank. No Vaseline and they froze their wattles and sounded like castanets when they walked around.

Oh the wattles! I never thought about those :O Definitely have to do those as well! Thank you for your advice :)
Help! Trying to figure this one out?! Is this a Welsummer?
@CuzChickens Hey Neighbor
I'm up in the blue ridge mountains, too! I've got 12 welsummers right now, too. Most are chicks. I adore my two hens, though. Both have gone broody and been great moms.

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