The Welsummer Thread!!!!

I will try to attach pic again.
Here is my Welsummer chick. She is about 3-3 1/2 weeks old and spent her first night in the coop. Is this abnormal tail or is this a sign of a cockerel. She has a small yellow comb. I'm hoping pullet but do not like that tail!

She is close to the bottom of the pecking order so far and is one of the most skittish of me so far. Thoughts?
Some birds (females included) can get squirrel tail. I imagine that's what this little pullet has. But would be interested to see how she turns out after she loses her puberty feathers and grows into her big girl feathers.

I have one welsummer chick, just about 5 weeks old. I'm concern that she is infact a roo. She has always been the first one to greet me at the brooder pen. She is very protective of the other chicks, she seems fearless! I'm attaching some photos I took on Friday. Let me know what you think!

Oh that's a little pullet with her salmon colored breast camo wing feathers. Yellow comb. Lucky you!

I've just about convinced myself to start a small flock of Wellies! I'm having a hard time picking because I want ALL THE CHICKENS!!! I have kept buff orps before and I adore them, and I also wouldn't mind a few RIR, Dominiques, and GLW. (I have a preference for gold/red birds apparently)

Decisions, decisions.

Any recs on the best hatchery to use for the Welsummers?
I would do a little state search for a breeder first. May require you to drive a few miles but you usually get a better bird. I drive a 200 miles for hatching eggs for these guys. But the birds are magnificent. The lady is meticulous with her stock. Roosters are not aggressive. At all. And the conformation is show worthy. But I'm not a shower so it matters not. But the size too. they are big birds.

Junior and his Ameraucanas earlier this spring. He's Minnesota dubbed now.

Last Fall. Busy man.

Patsy Cline. Gorgeous Burgundy feathers around the face and a gold necklace for hackle feathers. Love these birds.

A week's worth of eggs. Those Dark browns in with the Blues and Greens. I just love the Welsummer eggs.

We've set an incubator with 8 Welsummer eggs. And Got a broody silkie sitting on 4 Wellie eggs over at a friend's house. Can't wait to make more additions to my flock from these birds.
Hatchery stock and my thoughts. I love my wellies and the girls seem fine and look pretty and lay true to breed but the birds are still small in size and the egg size is still in the med to small.
They have been laying since Nov (6 mos now) and they just hit a year old. This is my first year with wellies and still learning about them.
soo..the long side of this is, if I could find a good breeder to establish my flock I would take the time and money to do it cause I see them as a staple in my flock. For the seasoned wellie owners, can u give me an idea of what year 2 should bring with my girls egg size snd body size . Am I being impatient?
I think I've found out what my mystery chick is! She's a Welsummer. :) glad to have her....wish I had ordered some. This chick got mixed into our order on accident, but hey, I'll take a welsummer.
Hatchery stock and my thoughts. I love my wellies and the girls seem fine and look pretty and lay true to breed but the birds are still small in size and the egg size is still in the med to small.
They have been laying since Nov (6 mos now) and they just hit a year old. This is my first year with wellies and still learning about them.
soo..the long side of this is, if I could find a good breeder to establish my flock I would take the time and money to do it cause I see them as a staple in my flock. For the seasoned wellie owners, can u give me an idea of what year 2 should bring with my girls egg size snd body size . Am I being impatient?
If you don't mind me asking, which hatchery?
I dont know the hatchery as they were sold by my local feed store. Do you have recommendations for a breeder or hatchery?

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