The Wyandotte Thread

Mrs. Turbo :

So how can you be bored?....I know you still have plenty of kiddos there to keep you busy!!

I was going to set some SLW eggs to hatch out some replacements for the hens that the coons got but the girls are barely laying now. It's cooled down some so maybe they'll start in better here soon.....or else go into their molt.

it is almost 9:00 here and there is school tomorrow. The kids don't get a nap during the day so they have all crashed, even the baby.
He had a birthday last week.

Hard to believe he's a year old already! He's such a cutie and the partridge wyandotte isn't bad either.
Mrs. Turbo :

Here is a Wyandotte variety that needs to make a comeback..... they are stunning. It is so hard to pick a favorite and I wish we could raise all the varities, but we wouldn't be able to keep up with the standard and we would be spread too thin. Maybe when the other kids get old enough to help more.

2011 pullet

Thats the Partridge right? I am so excited to start a breeding program of this variety.​
Mrs. Turbo :

So how can you be bored?....I know you still have plenty of kiddos there to keep you busy!!

I was going to set some SLW eggs to hatch out some replacements for the hens that the coons got but the girls are barely laying now. It's cooled down some so maybe they'll start in better here soon.....or else go into their molt.

it is almost 9:00 here and there is school tomorrow. The kids don't get a nap during the day so they have all crashed, even the baby.
He had a birthday last week.

Boy he's really grown! No rooster birthday cake?
it is almost 9:00 here and there is school tomorrow. The kids don't get a nap during the day so they have all crashed, even the baby.
He had a birthday last week.

Boy he's really grown! No rooster birthday cake?

haha..... no, give him time. Nathan is the one that ones the chicken and call duck cakes. I made a magpie call duck cake last year. Maybe I will try a bantam wyandotte this year.
Went to lock up the animals a minute ago and found a runner with his head stuck in the wire. it looked like his head and neck went over and under the wire like a basket weave.

some 2011 Wyandottes in the grow out pen and the runners in the back... they get along great!


Mrs. Turbo :

Here is a Wyandotte variety that needs to make a comeback..... they are stunning. It is so hard to pick a favorite and I wish we could raise all the varities, but we wouldn't be able to keep up with the standard and we would be spread too thin. Maybe when the other kids get old enough to help more.

2011 pullet

Partidge, yes? One reason I love Wyandottes is that the hens are as striking as the roosters. I think Partridge Wyandottes are the prettiest of all the partridge varieties.​
Mrs. Turbo :

Here is a Wyandotte variety that needs to make a comeback..... they are stunning. It is so hard to pick a favorite and I wish we could raise all the varities, but we wouldn't be able to keep up with the standard and we would be spread too thin. Maybe when the other kids get old enough to help more.

2011 pullet

Hey! Great seeing you guys last weekend! I had the windows open driving through Etown. The guy behind me had his windshield wipers on trying to brush the chicken feathers off of his car.​
Hey! Great seeing you guys last weekend! I had the windows open driving through Etown. The guy behind me had his windshield wipers on trying to brush the chicken feathers off of his car.

spoken by a true chicken gal.... I told you to put those chickens in cages

Mrs. Turbo :

Hey! Great seeing you guys last weekend! I had the windows open driving through Etown. The guy behind me had his windshield wipers on trying to brush the chicken feathers off of his car.

spoken by a true chicken gal.... I told you to put those chickens in cages

Grr. They asked to ride shotgun. Gonna get a bumper sticker that says "my wyandotte is my copilot".

For everyone else. A few weeks back, some transient workers from out of state stopped at the walmart in Geogetown, KY where I live and went shopping. And left their uncaged chickens in the hot car and one of th 12 died. It made the local news of course because of the oddity of the animals left unattended, etc. Since then, the Turbos and I have been teased because this IS Kentucky after all.......

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