The Wyandotte Thread

Do I have Columbian Wyandottes? I have six chicks and these two do not look like the others, which are EEs. They have been the slowest to get feathers also. These pics were ages 2-3weeks. They are 4 weeks now. They stick together and do a lot of chest bumping and head bobbing. Eloise tweeked her leg the other day and Willow one stayed with her while she just rested, pretty cute.


Thanks for any feedback!

Very cute love your pictures!
This is my hatchery Wyandotte. She was all black when I got her, but supposed to be a silver laced. I thought this was a cute pic of her today. I know she's not perfect, but she is really neat ;)

Do Wyandotte pullets have a redder comb and wattles at a young age? How old is she? I am still trying to learn this whole sexing thing!
This is my hatchery Wyandotte. She was all black when I got her, but supposed to be a silver laced. I thought this was a cute pic of her today. I know she's not perfect, but she is really neat ;)

I'm planning a hardware cloth tunnel from our coop to our run because they are kind of awkwardly placed for now. How wide in diameter should I make it so my SLWs can walk through to get to the run? Also, what are good dimensions for the chicken door? Thanks for any help you can give, I'm very new at this (our chicks arrive today)!
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Found out last night why I'm not getting eggs. I thought it was due to the fact that I had 4 broody hens and the weather got hot...not. It was a little stinker of a SKUNK. I heard a noise, went out at 1am to the coop, only to see a little black and white butt sticking out of an egg box. I snuck back out before I was noticed. It ran out and then left via my fence! Setting a trap tonight.
Here are some pictures of my two columbian wyandottes. I am starting to think that one of them is going to be a rooster. They were both supposed to be pullets, oh well. They are the same age and from the same store. They are both 12 weeks old.

Found out last night why I'm not getting eggs. I thought it was due to the fact that I had 4 broody hens and the weather got hot...not. It was a little stinker of a SKUNK. I heard a noise, went out at 1am to the coop, only to see a little black and white butt sticking out of an egg box. I snuck back out before I was noticed. It ran out and then left via my fence! Setting a trap tonight.
Think it through. I made the mistake of trapping a skunk once. Didn't think about what I'd do with it after I trapped it. I ended up shooting it & much to my surprise when you shoot a skunk they spray & spray. The backyard stunk all summer long. You might be better off making your coop more secure so the skunk can't get in. If he's not getting rewarded [eating your eggs] he'll stop coming around.

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