The Wyandotte Thread

Just heard that Ken Aho has some Partridge Wyandotte Bantams available. About 10 pairs of them. He said he could deliver to the APA National at Lucasville, OH.


That would certainly be as good a place to start as any & better than most. Ken Aho took over Doc Patterson's birds when Doc died. They've been the dominate strain of Partridge Wyandotte Bantams in the country for years now. I freely admit they're vastly better than mine but I did get a male from Ken last year & he greatly improved my breeding program. Got a few nice young birds out of him this spring.
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My original 3 hens actually came from a hatchery & i found them by chance at the local feed store. Wanted more but the hatches never worked out so they never got them in. I raised my 3 and bred to my old BLRW roo one of them hatched my buff laced roo. This year I bred him back to the 3 hens and got some very pretty Buff girls this year. the color is much improved(even) with this years babies.

My original hens had a lot of black on them as chicks and all of this years were perfectly Buff. :)

Where did you get your Buff wyandottes from? We would love to see photos of them posted!
That would certainly be as good a place to start as any & better than most. Ken Aho took over Doc Patterson's birds when Doc died. They've been the dominate strain of Partridge Wyandotte Bantams in the country for years now. I freely admit they're vastly better than mine but I did get a male from Ken last year & he greatly improved my breeding program. Got a few nice young birds out of him this spring.
Question: I know about the numbered leg bands. But what are the ties for that are on the other legs? My chickens came with them, and I have not figured them out.
Quote: i use spiral rings like that to tell similar looking girls apart... yeah it's dorking pullets, but if you look close, the similar girls each have a different color. once i decide if they're staying i put permanent numbered bands on them as well. these girls are staying i just haven't got around to putting the crimp on bands yet.
the 2 top girls, one has red, one white, and the bottom 3 reds, i've got red white and blue. the 2 middle girls i can tell apart by hackle color (gold/silver)
Do bantam white Wyandottes carry dominate or recessive white?
Thank you.

I believe that would depend on the strain.
Does anyone know if there's any breeders of LF Barred Wyandottes here in the US? I've tried searching online but haven't been able to find any results.

You should contact the Wyandotte Breeders secretary for breeders of the LF Barred. I have not personally heard of anyone.
I was at the Illini Poultry Show this weekend and Lou Horton had some really nice Wyandottes there in the show area. He also had some in the sale are, but it was amazing the difference in size type and coloring between the two, not saying anything against him it just goes to show the difference between a breeders' breeder birds and the ones they sell.
Hung out in the coop for a bit this morning and took some pictures of the girls(and boys). They didn't get greens yesterday so they were all at my feet!

My big-combed girl. It's so funny watching it wobble when she's eating or pecking at something.

This is the one they send to beg for greens, haha.

The DARK(all over) Blue girl, not really sure how I got one so dark!

This roo is probably going to go, he's developing a bit of an attitude towards the baby ducks.

(same one as above) This one here is taking it's own sweet time to decide if it wants to be a hen or roo. My luck I probably got a he-she chicken.

Rodger and his favorite son, they're always together.
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