The Wyandotte Thread

i would love to get some feedback on this cockeral, hes an 8 month old blue laced red of the blue variety.


Are there any breeders in the USA that breed the Chocolate Wyandottes?
I have seen a few pictures that were from overseas that were very nice. I have not seen chocolate chickens before and really liked the look.
I'm a total novice myself, and have no intention of breeding chickens any time soon. But I wouldn't use a barred rock to yellow up the legs because wyandottes are supposed to have rose combs and rocks have single combs, which are recessive. The girls may not have any barred genes (or maybe they would...I'm not sure on whether barring is recessive or dominant or co-dominant etc) but they would each carry a copy of the gene for single combs, which means you could have incorrect single combs popping up down the line if they are paired with a rooster that is also carrying a copy of the single comb gene.

Yes you are right, single combs are recessive so 'single' will get taken over by rosecomb gene (so progenies would be mostly rosecombs). Whether they would still carries Single comb gene is another story for me, yet to learn more on.
I've learnt (but hadn't experienced this) that a crossing between a non barred male and a barred female will have barred sons but non barred daughters. It was discovered that non barred daughters were not given the barring genes (only the sons). On the other hand, if you used a Barred Male over a non barred female, then all progenies would be barred. Strange isn't it?

I've also come across Blackdotte's post (can't remember which thread it was), stating that using a barring gene is very effective in removing black pigment from shanks and feet but using one one Barring gene does a good job whereas two barring genes would be much more effective.
So I'm thinking seriously about testing that theory about using a yellow shanked, barred female. Unfortunately I'm sure there's no Barred Wyandottes in NZ so Barred Rock female would be my only next choice

Just off topic slightly....does anyone here got Pyle coloured Wyandotte pictures they would like to show? I love to see more of those pyle coloured Wyandottes!
I have a question. Why is it the only Wyandottes you can find with ease is Silver or Gold Or blue laced, are the others that rare? I`ve looked for Buff Wyandottes for months and can`t find any. I`m talking Lf. I live in Indiana and it`s like you go with Silver or Gold or Blue laced or nothing at all. Thanks for letting me rant. Chris

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