The Wyandotte Thread

Quote: I may do that next. I didn't have any extra pens, but I got rid of about 20 roos and I was able to move the others out to my roo grow out pen so now I have some pens. Maybe I will take her out so she is going into HIS pen when she comes out. I will try anything. I NEED MORE SLW CHICKS
I may do that next. I didn't have any extra pens, but I got rid of about 20 roos and I was able to move the others out to my roo grow out pen so now I have some pens. Maybe I will take her out so she is going into HIS pen when she comes out. I will try anything. I NEED MORE SLW CHICKS

I feel your pain! I have 2 hens that I have had for 2 years. The only chicks I have gotten are Ameraucana x's
Not sure I am going to fall for that... my BLRW roo has 4 hens and has no problem keeping those eggs fertile. Maybe it just related to the SLW cuz I just don't see it being the comb.

I have thought about swapping roos. I have a younger roo I could put her with and put him with my pullets. Right now I just want some fertile eggs.
I posted that info from studies I've read, and from personal experience with both SLW & BLRWs. . Last year, I went through 2 roosters who were brothers, and nothing....I managed to get back a roo that I had sold as a day old chick, but from a different pair. He is doing well with 7 hens, I finally gave up my SLWs due to rooster infertility. I bought their parents from a well known SLW breeder and probably they were very line bred. Not 1 of the 3 cockerels I bred from the original birds was fertile. Very frustrating.


These are my 2 5 month old girls, how are they looking for coloring etc.? :yesss: - I hope

 That blrw is DROP DEAD GORGOUS!!!! Her blue is nice and even, Lacing is coming in nicely and good body type. the red could be darker but could come in later.  IDK if that is a red laced or golden laced, but She has good type aswell.

Nice and fat birdies:]
Thanks :D I need to post new pictures of those two & the BLW & BLRW roos the same age :ya
Haven't seen you in a while... love those eggs

I hope I don't have that problem. I do have two lines I could work with if needed. They are both Foley lines so I should be able to keep the quality up by crossing the roos.
I will keep y'all posted. They just started cooking so I will know in a few days if ANY are fertile.

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