TheLukeMeister's Chat Thread!!!

Oh, yesterday, we were scouting out lots we want to buy, and there is this one we really like on the mountain which is two and a half acres, all undeveloped. While walking around, I found this shell. I am not sure what it is to exactly, but it is cool. There are lizards, snakes, birds (of course), and some people have even said they have seen scorpions. So it could be a lot of things.
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Oh, yesterday, we were scouting out lots we want to buy, and there is this one we really like on the mountain which is two and a half acres, all undeveloped. While walking around, I found this shell. I am not sure what it is to exactly, but it is cool. There are lizards, snakes, birds (of course), and some people have even said they have seen scorpions. So it could be a lot of things.

Scorpions? Were is it?

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