I have just been giving her drops of olive oil and trying to massage the stuff down out of her crop. I also took her food away for about 12 hours. She finally started pooping a lot, then her crop felt empty this afternoon. It had been full for almost 2 days. She is acting so much better now. Yesterday she was huddled under the warmer with her eyes closed, but now she is running around with the rest of the chicks. She is so small, but hopefully mighty!
So excited for all the people here who are getting their chicks shipped! I love watching my chicks. leahlefler, your chicks are getting back feathers now? Wow! I can't believe how fast mine are growing, either, the least-developed of my week old chicks has huge wing feathers now. I took a few pictures for you guys:

Nellie, one of our Easter Eggers, has really pretty, "mottled" feathers all over her wings:

(Nellie is in front)

And Autumn has stripy feathers with a light tan tip.

You might be able to see their tail feathers coming in, but they are still small. The EE's are significantly ahead of my Buff Orps and Barred Rocks (who I didn't take pictures of).

Edited to Add: In case you might be wondering, it is really hot here, so we have taken the chicks outside for "adventures" already, since they were 4 days old. It is actually hotter outside than in the brooder! That's why the pictures are in the grass.
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Wow I bet you are going to have some beautiful EEs Xiao. I think because of EEs being mixed breed they feather out faster. It seems like the six I have now aren't feathering out as fast as my EEs did. But who knows. I can't wait to see pictures of everyone's new babies when they arrive.
I think so too! They are certainly a couple of beautiful gals. Autumn, the darker one, is very bold, not shy at all. She is the only one who showed NO timidity when we first took them outside, the only one who doesn't cheep even the tiniest bit when she is picked up, and also the one who usually instigates all the mischief!

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