dominique man that is awesome. Happy to see they all arrived safely and they are so cute! Now just waiting on good news from backyardflock1.
dominique man, those chicks are cute! I got a couple of EE's too, and I love their personalities. It's also really fun to not know how they are going to look as adults; you get to play guessing games about what they'll look like.
same here Dominique man, my chicks arrived around 11:30ish and we picked them up around 12. All are alive and well, which is awesome! Really fast shipping, less than 24 hours which is crazy. I promise to post pics when I'm on my phone, because it is so much easier to upload pics from phone to BYC than computer to BYC. I'll update soon! :)
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Here are the pics I promised!
backyardflock they are all so adorable. I am very happy that everyone's chicks have arrived safely. Now the fun part is watching them grow up and change before your eyes.

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