In our back yard. Yes they definitely love a dip! Try to get ones that don't fly well. A kiddy shell pool does the trick. :D
Tbh I don't have a huge yard (not lots of land), I can't have my chickens even free roam , but I do have a decent sized run for them. I just don't think I have enough space for a duck, even though I wish I did.
backyardflock if it helps any, I did a bit of reading last night and I guess ducks are a lot like chickens. For the housing you should have about 4sq ft per duck and for the run about 10sq ft.. The only difference is the ducks need like a kiddie pool to swim in. I even read someone's blog about the ducks and chickens sharing the same run and just having different houses to go into a night. After reading all this I think having a duck and housing said animal is a lot easier than we are trying to make it seem.
Tbh I don't have a huge yard (not lots of land), I can't have my chickens even free roam , but I do have a decent sized run for them. I just don't think I have enough space for a duck, even though I wish I did.
A couple of ducks will probably fit in with you chickens just fine. They need about the same amount of room and, so long as they have a little water to bath and splash (and breed) in they are happy. You may even be able to house them in the same coop. I know people who do, I don't. But, I have 24 ducks and the same amount of chickens so I would need a really large coop. Mine all have their own coop and run but share the same free range. I do have two distinct flocks of ducks which I am having the keep apart since the older males are trying to kill the younger males. Hopefully that will pass.

But back to you and ducks. One or two (preferably two) should do fine with you chickens. Try getting two females unless you really want to breed. Ducks tend to be messy since they seem to have to put everything in their water so you will need separate water for each. They can eat the same food if you use a mixed poultry food like Purina Flock Raiser once they are adults.

Good luck.
A couple of ducks will probably fit in with you chickens just fine. They need about the same amount of room and, so long as they have a little water to bath and splash (and breed) in they are happy. You may even be able to house them in the same coop. I know people who do, I don't. But, I have 24 ducks and the same amount of chickens so I would need a really large coop. Mine all have their own coop and run but share the same free range. I do have two distinct flocks of ducks which I am having the keep apart since the older males are trying to kill the younger males. Hopefully that will pass.

But back to you and ducks. One or two (preferably two) should do fine with you chickens. Try getting two females unless you really want to breed. Ducks tend to be messy since they seem to have to put everything in their water so you will need separate water for each. They can eat the same food if you use a mixed poultry food like Purina Flock Raiser once they are adults.

Good luck.

Thank you for the info. I hope anyone else who reads this thread and is thinking about ducks sees this.

Backyardflock, I think we may have to rethink this business of getting ducks.

bltchickens hoping you have gotten your babies safe and sound. Still haven't heard anything from you.
The chicks got to the post office at 7 am and I spent an hour and a half anxiously pacing till it opened!!! All but one are in great health and I got lots of pics and the mystery chicks are awesome!!!!
this one is lethargic, and can't stand or sit very well, I gave her sugar water, and normal water and helped her warm up a bit away from the others cause the silkies all ganged up on her when she fell over.. Anything else I can do?
See if you can get her to eat some scrambled eggs, or even a little bit of food. Maybe once she gets some food in her she will get better. Other than that I don't have any helpful tips. Keep an eye on her and keep us updated. I am glad to see all your other ones are doing well though. Cant wait for more pictures.

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