Mine came in this morning! 27 and all made it! We did a mix, so we don't know what they are yet--did a good photo session and got close-ups, but this website is giving me a red error message every time I try to upload. Worked fine yesterday!! :(
I have 16 more arriving tomorrow--Welsummers, Lavender Orpingtons, Olive Eggers, Ameracuanas, Black Copper Marans.
Can't wait--hope they're as vigorous and beautiful as the ones I got today!!


Same here! I am hatching Faverolles for the first time, and they are toooooooooo cute, but I can't post pics. :he
I got my very first order of chicks this morning. I ordered from and all 8 arrived looking nice and healthy. They all ate and drank within 20 mins or so after arriving.

What did you get? Its good to hear that they all arrived well.
Mine came in this morning! 27 and all made it! We did a mix, so we don't know what they are yet--did a good photo session and got close-ups, but this website is giving me a red error message every time I try to upload. Worked fine yesterday!!

I have 16 more arriving tomorrow--Welsummers, Lavender Orpingtons, Olive Eggers, Ameracuanas, Black Copper Marans.
Can't wait--hope they're as vigorous and beautiful as the ones I got today!!


Make sure you post pictures and its wonderful that they all showed up healthy.
We had one that didn't make it when we shipped.
It was really was a little Silkie and she was barely moving when we got her. She also had Wry neck.

Sorry to hear about your little chick. I hope wherever you ordered from compensated you.

Xiao, you get a free pass only this time!
I got 2 Colombian wyandottes, 2 Easter Eggers, a Dominique, a black Australorp, a silver wyandotte and a golden wyandotte. I desperately wanted some salmon faverolles but they were sold out. Hopefully next time!
I got 2 Colombian wyandottes, 2 Easter Eggers, a Dominique, a black Australorp, a silver wyandotte and a golden wyandotte. I desperately wanted some salmon faverolles but they were sold out. Hopefully next time!

Awesome selection. You definitely have to post pictures when you can. Especially of the EEs as they get older if you could. I have 5 EEs and no two look the same. I love to see the different colors the EEs come in. A lot of wyandottes for you. Was there a reason behind ordering all those or was it just the way they handle the cold and their temperament? I hope you enjoy all your little chicks and post pictures when you can!

And to anyone who's interested, I tried convincing my DH today that I needed at least three more chicks because I now have groups based off color (completely accidental) all except for 2 which don't fit into any of the groups so I needed three more to make an oddball color group. Needless to say I was told no. I am running out of excuses as to why I need more chicks. Maybe next year I'll just order them one day while he's at work. Think I could get away with the whole I did it without knowing what I was doing in my sleep or something?
When I originally did my research on breeds I picked the gold and silver wyandottes for their cold tolerance and temperament. I ended up with the Colombians in place of the faverolles I wanted that ended up sold out. It works out well though because they're all so pretty!

I'll definitely be posting pictures as they grow.
Yeah wyandottes are pretty. When I was picking my second batch of chicks I was back and forth about one of either the gold, silver, or columbian. I wanted to try a bunch of different breeds to figure out which one works best for me as far as what I'm looking for for temperament, cold hardiness, and how many eggs I get. I ended up with a silver one. But the columbian look got substituted with a delaware and a light brahma. I had to have a brahma for the feathered feet. I think feathered feet is such a cool look.

bltchicken how is the little one doing?
Still getting a red error message when I try to upload pictures... I think I'm gonna report it to the support team. If it helps you create a mental image, all my birds are fully feathered now... fully feathered, that is, except for the head and bum! They have adorable, miniature feathered tails and giant wings now, all are sooo cute. I was going to put up the pictures of my EE's latest colors, and also a few group shots. I also have an adorable picture of my Buff Orps giving me the "curious" look.

So far my Barred Rocks are still the friendliest, while the EE's are a tad more flighty. The Buff Orps used to prefer not to be held, but now come up to us and beg to be picked up.
xiao, I can't wait to see what the EEs look like when you can finally post pictures. All of my chicks are mostly feathered except for my Brahma. That poor chick looks like it's been through hell. It has splotches of down and feathers everywhere. I feel kind of sorry for it. I am going to start the play pen method with them this week and my bigger girls so hopefully in the next week or two I can get all of them in the coop and out of my house. I will have to try Barred Rocks next time and maybe Buff Orps. My EEs were super friendly as chicks and now since they have been in the coop they are a tad more flighty, but still friendly. None of them peck at us or anything and I can pet them as they eat. I am thinking about setting up a pen next year and doing ducks. The space I have to build another coop is big enough I could also put a small duck house and have probably 4 ducks sharing the same chicken run. And then that frees up space for some turkeys. There are just so many chicken breeds I want to try and not enough room. If I had found out about being able to order chicks offline sooner I probably would've ended up with only one EE out of 11 and then 10 other breeds, but I know for next time now.
Wow! So many chicks arriving! Hopefully we get to see pics ;). The ducklings sold at the fair, I don't think I could choose the breed, they just took one out and it was yours. I want to move to a farm, lol. I also want to learn how to ride a horse, that would be cool. :p :)
Won't let me upload any pictures!!!!! Oh well! I have figured out I got a white crested black polish bantam, and a mottled Cochin bantam, still unsure of the other three mystery chicks!! Sadly the little one didn't make it! What breed is a yellow chick with black stripes down it's back, and black and white feathering coming through? And one that looks like a chipmunk?

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