Things I wish I knew before my first butchering


8 Years
Aug 7, 2015
Peyton, CO
Warning: If you don't want to read about aspects of the butchering process turn back now.

I just have to give a big thanks to those that have made videos and posts about the butchering process. I butchered my extra males last night. It was the first time every doing anything like it and I couldn't have done it without this site. I went into the process with a very good idea of what to do thanks to the wonderful folks on here sharing their knowledge.

That being said, there are a few things I wasn't prepared for. These things weren't mentioned in my research. As a first timer and someone who was very hesitant to go through with it, some of them threw me off. Some of these are just things I learned by doing. So I thought I'd share my experience and offer a bit of a heads-up to others.

The beaks will open and close after you cut the head off. I almost quit after the first one because of that.

The skin doesn't come off as easily as some of the videos make it look. I used my shears to cut the skin first. The skin along the spine can be really hard to remove.

The body is very warm. You're thinking "Well duh! It was alive a minute ago." You're right but I didn't think about it before so I wasn't prepared. The only other raw meat I had ever touched was cold so I wasn't mentally prepared for it to be warm.

There are times when the body will make a burping type sound. Squeezed one a little hard and it made a sound. Also happened when I was pulling the tail feathers off.

The muscles twitch during certain steps of the process. I knew I had to hold the wings in after the first cut but the rest of the twitching sort of freaked me out. The muscles might twitch when you cut the legs, cut the wings, cut along the spine, and when it gets hit with cold water. I almost tossed the first bird down the garbage disposal because the muscles twitched when I made the first cut along the spine. I thought it was the heart beating. This was probably the worst of the things I wasn't prepared for but by the end I knew what to expect.

Well there you have it. The things I wish I knew before my first butchering. Please feel free to comment with your own experiences for those that have butchered.
Me when I butchered my deer, I had my hand in it pulling something out and its muscles twitched
I fell backwards. My dad laughed the rest of the tume
Thanks for your post - so glad I read it prior to "doing" the first of our quails last night.
I must admit i did get hubby to do the first bit (removing the head), and he did most of the rest too for that matter. I did do one though, and it scared the c#@p out of me when I was holding the bird and went to cut down the spine. The breast of the bird pulsated (like I had hit a nerve). Hubby thought I had cut myself or something - I almost went through the roof.
I imagine it would of been worse had I not read your post first.

anyway - thanks
Congrats on your first butcher. (Is that a weird thing to congratulate someone for?)

Yeah it can be pretty unnerving (no pun intended). I tried changing things up a little the last couple of times I butchered. I cut off all the heads first and then do the other steps. I starting doing this because the killing part is the worst and I just want to get it over with. But I found when I do it that way all the nerves have settled by the time I move on to the other parts which means no more disturbing pulses or twitches.
Thanks Iomine - I am looking forward to quail for dinner tonight :)

I think your idea of doing all the heads first is a great idea.. the twitching really unnerved me - I didn't like it at all.

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