Things you never said until you had chickens.......

What exactly is chicken math

This is chicken math (at least the way I do it) Meat chickens = 0 (dinner), Juveniles = 0. All full size breeds = 1. Bantams = .5 Any birds you are thinking about getting rid of but are not sure yet = 0. Chicks = 0. So although someone may look at my flock and say Michael, you have about 56 birds, I really only have 7. According to that total I have plenty of room for more birds if I come across something that I just can't live without. That my friend is chicken math. Now if I could just get my wife to understand this.
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This is chicken math (at least the way I do it) Meat chickens = 0 (dinner), Juveniles = 0. All full size breeds = 1. Bantams = .5 Any birds you are thinking about getting rid of but are not sure yet = 0. Chicks = 0. So although someone may look at my flock and say Michael you have about 56 birds I really only have 7. According to that total I have plenty of room for more birds if I come across something that I just can't live without. That my friend is chicken math. Now if I could just get my wife to understand this.
I think that is the best explanation I've seen for chicken math!
Another component of chicken math is that, when you have a loss in your flock, it usually takes AT LEAST two birds to replace the one you lost. This is because you can't just get one new baby (he or she would be too cold and alone). And introducing one lone juvenile or adult to an existing flock is dangerous for the lone newbie. But you can still account for the new two (or however many) as just one - or at least I do - since they are replacing just one... Chicken math = it's complicated, and I thought I was the only one who thought this way up and until I joined this forum and realized that it is apparently naturally ingrained in all of us!
Another component of chicken math is that, when you have a loss in your flock, it usually takes AT LEAST two birds to replace the one you lost.  This is because you can't just get one new baby (he or she would be too cold and alone).  And introducing one lone juvenile or adult to an existing flock is dangerous for the lone newbie.  But you can still account for the new two (or however many) as just one - or at least I do - since they are replacing just one...  Chicken math = it's complicated, and I thought I was the only one who thought this way up and until I joined this forum and realized that it is apparently naturally ingrained in all of us!
So basically, you can never have too many chickens? Lol
Anyone else having problems with gnats? Sorry I know this is off topic but does anyone have a recipe or something to get them off my girls.. They can't dust bathe b/c it rained yesterday and its not "dusty"
So basically, you can never have too many chickens? Lol
Yah, Everyboby falls in love with chicken once you have one so that's why you have to Get more and more until your chicken coops are bursting at the seams. I think that's why they made chicken math to help explain it to others. It would be like we just did.
We had a raccoon atack our chickens and kill 3 a Plymouth Bard Rock a Australorp and a mix bread of Golden Sex Link and Plymouth Bard Rock. So we thought when the chicks arrive we would get 2 Easter eggers, 2 Australorps, and a couple Plymouth Bard Rock chicks. So when the chicks got close to arriving 1 of our friends asked for some chicks so we ended up getting impatient and going to a store in another city to get some of the chicks early but we didn't get all of the because they didn't have the Bard Rock. We ended up geting 2 of the Australorps that we wanted to get. The next week the chicks arrived and they where sooooooooooooo cute but they didn't have any Bard Rock so we got 2 more Australorp and 2 Easter eggers a grand total of 6 chicks which verifys the dead chicken rule of chicken math when we were not even trying but we still didn't get the Bard Rock so we have saved that for another chicken buying spree.
Anyone else having problems with gnats? Sorry I know this is off topic but does anyone have a recipe or something to get them off my girls.. They can't dust bathe b/c it rained yesterday and its not "dusty"
Cut the top off a plastic soda bottle and flip it upside down resting it on the bottom (like a funnel) put a little Apple cider vinegar in the bottom, if you have a bit of banana peel toss a small piece in there too, they fly in and cannot get out.

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