Things you never said until you had chickens.......

"Can I stroke your wattles?"
"So, while I was at work, I was reading on BYC and ..."

"We need to make portable salad bars for the girls."

"We need to lock up the dogs and let the girls out before we plant the garden so they can till the garden for us. Because once we plant, they are grounded."

"I think we should turn the kid's sandbox until a dust bath for the girls...or maybe a nice wading pool for really hot days."
Three things I've said:

"Smells like new chicken." told my hunni once today even or yesterday it was... like new car smell. I always think that with baby chickens.

"Don't dare turn that light on, hunni, I'm looking at these eggs." (meaning candleing.)
And also about candleing, "I need to shut this door so I can see these eggs real good" I've actually said both things to him more than one night.

"Ah, they (must) love me." Referring to when you have adolescent chickens and they like to be on your feet, legs (if stretched out, lap, shoulders when you sit...
To my guinea, who has a more hurtful wing than a chicken, I said to her: "Thanks for wing-slapping me in the face." To Jubilee1111- my chickens eat a whole watermelon and just leave very thin rind and make a hole in some rinds sometimes. we bought an unripe melon at the store. they pick them unripe. and if you grow too many melons you can always give the extra to the birds ;)

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