Things you wish you could say

That's messed up. I thought chest pain was the golden ticket to get seen right away.
The problem is that everyone now says they have chest pain to get bumped up. I had a stress-related visit that started at my normal Doc with chest pains. He sent me immediately across the street to the ER and called ahead. I still waited a half hour because they had a bunch of "chest pain" people queued up
The problem is that everyone now says they have chest pain to get bumped up. I had a stress-related visit that started at my normal Doc with chest pains. He sent me immediately across the street to the ER and called ahead. I still waited a half hour because they had a bunch of "chest pain" people queued up
People who lie about what kind of pain they have are terrible. Especially just to get in front of someone.
Years ago I heard from an EMT about one of their 'frequent flyers' who would call the ambulance crew every month and report chest pains.
When they got to the trauma center he would suddenly 'feel better', refuse treatment and walk down the block to get a haircut.
Not sure how that would work here. Getting treated on site is free. They charge for the ambulance ride.
Years ago I heard from an EMT about one of their 'frequent flyers' who would call the ambulance crew every month and report chest pains.
When they got to the trauma center he would suddenly 'feel better', refuse treatment and walk down the block to get a haircut.
I can't see how that wasn't thousands of dollars for cab fare. Ambulance rides aren't cheap.

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