Think something is wrong with my drake(s)...second opinions?

Alright, I'll empty the pool and take it away for the time being.
but swim time is important, If there is some way you can make sure he gets in and out without jumping. could you or your dad make them a ramp so they could walk up to get in? my dh made one for our ducks out of scrap wood them we put an old rubber outside mat on it so they would have some traction to walk up it.
My drakes don't care for ramps they just go in wherever they are. Anyways my drake seems fine now and isn't limping so that's good. I'll repost if it happens again :)
My drakes don't care for ramps they just go in wherever they are. Anyways my drake seems fine now and isn't limping so that's good. I'll repost if it happens again

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