Thinking of raising Quail for meat

If it wasn't for the fact that I only have quail for meat I wouldn't have but a few. When I get enough in my freezer i'll probably cull back to just 3 trios because I have some A & M's in the bator I was going to breed for meat also. They are more work than my chickens are but they eat less. So it's a toss up. lol The quail I have to clean up the piles of poo and wasted feed everyday including cleaning their water bottles everyday because they seem to think they are toilets. They are amusing to watch and real good as far as flavor. It seems everytime I put some in the freezer either DH gives them away or they get eaten. I haven't been able to fill the freezer yet and I do all the work except for buiding the cages but I do help.
I have 2 brooders and a double hatcher full of chicks that I clean up after everyday. I don't have that much work with the chickens. Isn't it strange how one spouse has an idea and the other does all the work.
He had the bright idea of rabbits for meat and I managed to sell almost all them. That just added to my workload. I was cleaning up rabbit poo everyday along with quail poo everyday and then I clean out the coop and silkie pen once a month. The rabbits turned out to cost more than what the meat was worth. We never got a single rabbit to eat either. Maybe we should have eaten them instead. lol
I know Dumar has a 24% protein feed but it's chick starter here where I am. I don't know what brand you have where you are. The grower/finisher is 16%. I may just continue to feed them the starter since the protein is higher %. I do give my layers a tuna fish can of scratch grains once a week.
I was actually worried I might end up having too many Quail for the freezer and be stuck with birds I dont know what to do with! I wouldnt mind the extra workload, it would give me something else to do other then the chickens.
At first I had wanted to raise them on a solid wood floor, but now I'm kinda leaning towards a wire floor because its a lot easier to keep clean. Does it eventually clog of with poo that you have to clean out?
Ok, quick question and it might be a really stupid one
Everybody keeps talking about how much protien is in the feed. Does it matter what kind of feed, whether its chicken, quail, duck etc feed, as long as its a certain % protien? Should it be medicated?
No, their poo is small put plenty. As far as the feed. They are suppose to have alot of protein. I was told layers need 20%. I just feed mine layer crumbles and they lay just fine. My chicks get chick starter till they are feathered and then it's grower/finisher till processing day.
No, their poo is small put plenty. As far as the feed. They are suppose to have alot of protein. I was told layers need 20%. I just feed mine layer crumbles and they lay just fine. My chicks get chick starter till they are feathered and then it's grower/finisher till processing day.

Thanks emvickrey, I have lots of chick starter here and grower/developer too. I'm glad I wont have to buy 2 different feeds! Do you feed your layers an extra calcuim, like oyster shells? Or does the layer ration have enough for them? I know my chickens sometimes lay thin shelled eggs even with layer ration so I provide extra oyster shells for them.
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Mine is made by a local mill called Luzner's, So I guess its Luzner's brand, and it just has corn, and other stuff that can be fed to turkeys, chickens, quail or whatever- They actually make the blend for a farmer friend of mine who has chickens, turkeys, quail, peafowl, guineas, etc. So I just ask for the seminole farm 24% blend...
As far as having too many birds, You won't if you like eating them, then there will almost never be any extras lying around. On the off chance you do have too many live birds, CL is a good place to sell extras and eggs to help pay for feed.
Oh and never use medicated feed unless your birds are sick, eggs and meat are not recomended to be consumed until a few weeks after the last medicated feed is given. Also I have the theory that -The meds in the feed is for some viruses/diseases etc. And if you use it 24/7 or often, the viruses and or diseases can become immune to the meds rendering you with useless medicated feed and meat and eggs for a few weeks. just MO
Sure, I can try.

coturnix2044, chick starter here is medicated for cocci, is that ok for Quail? I dont think I can get unmedicated chick starter.

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