Thinking of raising Quail for meat

I just started raising Coturnix a few days ago. I bought 9 hens and 3 roo's that were 3 weeks old and 24 eggs, which are in the incubator now. After the second day I have them drinking water from chicken nipples I installed into 2 liter bottles. What a great item. No more poop in water. My quail cage is nothing more than an a rabbit hutch I bought for $20. Mine don't seem to be real jumpy yet. Even when the bird dog is sniffing the hutch. They do start chirping like crickets when their happy. I only found chicken laying crumbles for them to eat. I will be looking for the proper food tomorrow. I believe it's game bird or turkey food? I will also have to change out the floor on the rabbit hutch as it has 1"x 1/2" hardware cloth that seems a bit large for little feet. Any and all suggestion is needed and greatly appreciated.
Jerry in SoCal
i had a few questions i am raising chickens and looking to start raising quail and i see your post. i was wanting to know the size of your pen,what you feed your quail?
Was thinking about getting 2 male and 2 female coturnix quail.I live in AK and wanted to raise them in the house.Had a couple of questions. 1.How much room do they need? 2.Can I keep them all together? 3.will an old aquarium make a good home? 4. I would like them for meat and eggs,is this bird a good choice? 5.I have chickens now,can they eat the same food? TYVM.
I now have several pens/cages and building an aviary as well. They multiply quickly. As for room needed, I've read one foot per bird, but that really depends on what your plans are with the birds. I have breeder pens with 1 Roo and 3 hens in each section. It's 12"x28". It's got 4 sections in each cage and are stackable. In the old rabbit hutch I have 24 four week old babies. The hutch is 41" deep and 46" wide. I guess the answer is, not much space at all.
The quail need a higher protein feed. In the 22-28% range depending on age. When I first started all I could find was chicken feed. I added small amounts of dry cat food that I ground up. This was advice from a friend that raises 10,000+ quail a year. Raising inside? A quail will poop like a 100 times a day.
I think if you want to raise quail for meat or want to slaughter it on 40-50days old, then no need for high protein. It will be waste of money. Just give them normal chicken starter 20-22% protein.
Hey Chickie,
I am in Canada as well, Manitoba.... Would want to learn about Quail raising here. I have been raising chickens and geese so far. I have no experience qith quail, can you help?
We raise 100 breeder quail in one big 12 by 20 room and then they have a 39 by 20 coverd outdoor pen they go in bob whites is what we raise
What is a good protein %. I have some 5-6 weeks and ran out of my organic turkey feed that was 28%.
I have chick starter that's 22%. Will that work well?

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