Thinking on getting white coturnix quail


10 Years
Apr 16, 2009
They sell them at lake cumberlands game birds.there eggs are like twice the size of the brown coturnix quail and the gain 10 oz in 6 weeks.Hvae any of you have had any expierience with these birds?
I haven't had any experience with their stock, but I do have some whites. They are no where near that big, but do lay huge eggs for their size. Their eggs are about as big as my jumbo browns eggs, and the white birds are about half the size.

I personally would rather have the browns or goldens, they are easier to sex, at an earlier age, than the whites. Unless you know how to vent sex, you'll have to wait until at least 6 weeks old to tell the sex of the whites, browns and goldens can be sexed at 2-3 weeks old by their color.
I haven't had experience with Cumberland's birds, but the whites I have must be English Whites (not the A&Ms) because mine are smaller than the pharaoh colored cotournix that I have (and smaller than the goldens, also).

Well actually I just found out there a recently developed breed.There called jumbo coturnix whites.You guys should really look it up.Just type in white coturnix quail then you click on the first link and read the paragraph.
I have over 200 A&M whites and I love mine. I also have all 3 of the other breeds as well, Jumbo, Speckled and Tuxedo. I get good sized eggs from all of mine. My A&Ms have gotten quite large. Here's some pics of my girls all together; A&M, Speckled and Jumbo. And a pic of their eggs in a standard maxwell house coffee lid. They're all pretty close to the same size.

But did you get the new recently developed jumbo white coturix and did you get em from lake cumberlands game birds?
But did you get the new recently developed jumbo white coturix and did you get em from lake cumberlands game birds?

whats the diff between jumbo white and texas A&M? the A&M birds are supposed to be jumbo sized. Mine are in the 10 oz range.

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