this a mutt?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 27, 2013
I let my b roody hen hatch some eggs I got from someone else. The eggs cane from 3 different coops. I ended up with 3 roos. This is the one I chose to keep jusy curious if anyone recognizes a breed or do I have a mutt.
I put it on him the first day I heard him crow. He hasn't crowed since. But I dont think I put it on tight enough and im concerned about him still growing so I havnt adjusted it u ntill I hear him again. I did hear one garbled crow the next day but had 3 collard roos at the time. The other two roos were enchiladas last night.
Thank you for the reply, I have a small rooster that isn't very good at crowing yet but he'll grow up! I traded my full size loud rooster for this little guy and ordered a collar so hope to catch him soon to put it on him.
I love enchaladas
I ordered 10 feet of Velcro and made it myself. One of the other roosters was a small breed. I will say the collar seems to fit better on the bigger birds. Be prepared for your bird to drop his head and walk backwards or not at all untill he adjusts

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