This bird never should have hatched...I have no history on him. Any guesses?

If he had Brahma ancestry, he's have a pea or modified pea comb. He could possibly have Cochin, but the body shape is all wrong. Pure Marans would have white skin and usually lighter leg feathering.

I agree he could be part Marans, mixed with something feather legged, yellow skinned and straight combed. He's beautiful and looks nice and broad across the chest. I'll bet he'd throw nice table birds if that's your inclination.

I did not originally have the inclination to breed for meat. I had just thought that I would go for eggs and any excess roosters would feed us. Well, we had a hen sit on 9 eggs (this one included) and don't you know she hatched out nine roosters. At first I was just banging my head against the wall. argh. what are the odds of nine of nine being roosters? Anyway. We have since been eating all the other ones and I tell you....I'm really liking the taste of our own birds, And the satisfaction of it. Some primal need is realized. Plus for every bird I put on my own table it is one less that has to be raised in the hell hole factory chicken market. Mine have a free range pen and the run of acres of jungle for several hours a day :)
So yes Donrae, I will definitely use him to sire some birds. He came out of a nice egg. 66 grams. and so he should put out nice layers and again the excess would make great meat birds.

Didn't know that about Brahmas. Cheers for that.
His leg feathering and overall body structure looks like my black langshans. I'm wondering if he could be that mixed with maran. Could be way off. Just a guess. How tall is he?

Gosh it is really tough to say just how tall but he is VERY large. I think he comes up to about mid thigh to me and so that would be about 28 - 30 inches standing up straight? I do expect him still to fill out as hes only 5 months old. He dwarfs my island birds. I have a four month old Bielefelder he is much taller than as well as a massive Sussex and they are close to the same size. i did get a message through to the breeder and they said he was part ameracauna which I dismissed pretty readily. They had nothing more than he looks like his dad and he was a mix. :) So I'm on my own on this one. I appreciate everyones input.
Gosh it is really tough to say just how tall but he is VERY large. I think he comes up to about mid thigh to me and so that would be about 28 - 30 inches standing up straight? I do expect him still to fill out as hes only 5 months old. He dwarfs my island birds. I have a four month old Bielefelder he is much taller than as well as a massive Sussex and they are close to the same size. i did get a message through to the breeder and they said he was part ameracauna which I dismissed pretty readily. They had nothing more than he looks like his dad and he was a mix. :) So I'm on my own on this one. I appreciate everyones input.

Given that height, he may well have some Langshan in him.

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