This is a very hard hobby to have at times.

Not letting my guard down but no sign of the dog returning. The first batch of replacements is due to hatch on Thursday - only got 5-6 out of those. Put another batch in a week ago - those eggs are more fresh so should see hopefully more than a dozen.

This fall it will unfortunately be time to reconfigure the fence and add some cross fencing in prep to get a Anatolian Shepard.
4 replacements hatched on Friday, here they are with Abe and Gary coming to investigate. Also picked up 3 americauna pullets to join them in the brooder and teach them :)

Today I bring better news.

The snares worked PERFECTLY I caught a nasty old big male coyote who came in last night. He has since been dealt with. No birds injured.


I will reset the snare this evening - probably going to keep them up 24/7/365. Also the babies are doing well.
YEA!!!!!!!!!!!! ALRIGHT!!!!! That's what im talking bout! I'm over hear screaming and shouting and jumping up and down as if I was the lucky one. Good job!! Way to go!!!! I'm so happy for you and to know no more losses. Good job dealing with the offender. Giving you a high five from here.

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