This was Miss-Jaynes idea


Ye Olde Henhouse Builder
13 Years
Feb 18, 2008
Eaton County, Michigan
I called MJ this morning (not only does she have a sweet voice, you should hear all the chicks peeping in the background) I had a question on how to keep my chicks seperated inside my 1588 Hova-bator. She gave me some ideas and one of them was plexiglass seperation panels that I could make. She told me I should make them and sell em.....but after trying to sell weatherstones on the Michigan forum....I'm not much of a salesman.

Well I got to looking around my shop and found no plexiglass but found something even better, cause they are free! I have these plastic/vinyl (?) jobsite signs that not only do I put out in front of my jobs, but also my subcontractors do as well. They are made like cardboard boxes with the void/web between the outside panels. Since I picked up several subcontractors signs that would have gotten thrown away ( I keep mine and reuse on the next job) I grabbed one and ran it through my table saw at the desired width (from measuring the incubator) then correct length.


Since I need to have three areas seperated and one being bigger than the other two, here is how mine will look placed in the incubator at day 18.

You can have as many as you need by simply adding more.


Simply join the pieces together where you think you need them with shipping tape.

So since she is the brains and I am the braun on this her with your orders and she will have me start cutting and shipping.
ohhhhh great! now everyone is going to think i'm kind and sweet. there goes my scary, varmint killing image i've been building!

that was a good think tank session. your execution of said project looks great!

now accepting customer number 3....
A few thoughts.

First off, that is a MUCH better idea than using an egg carton. Period.

I prolly wouldn't buy one having never seen the need to stop the eggs rolling around a bit, but if I ever felt it necessary to separate eggs from chicks, or even chicks from chicks, in a hatcher, then I would steal your good idea
Darn it....I bet you didn't get this patented did you MJ?

shoot! i knew i forgot something!

maybe an infomercial would be a good marketing tool, as long as i can get an loud Australian guy to shout crazy things like, "Crikey! What a great idea, MJ!"

free for the sharing, folks!
steal away!
Great timing with your post. I am facing the same situation here. I have some cardboard pieces cut but I like the material you are using much better. I wonder if I could buy some of that at the hardware store. I am going to look today. Thanks, Steve and Miss Jayne.

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