Thoughts on Universal healthcare

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we have managed to go over 7 pages now without even a warning...

great job everyone!!!!
I do agree people should be self sufficent and pay for themselves, but not when that means they can not afford the mortgage, which is happening in many instances.

Our net family income is 50K, but every year we pay about 10K in insurance and out of pocket medical expenses. That is 20% of our income. Believe me we do not have any extras.

Plus if you have a pre existing condition a lot of private carriers won't sell you insurance. So what happens if you can not find employment with benefits? Everyone should pay some, but no one should have to pay so much they can not afford the basics.

If you read my post, you will see that I was only complaining about the people that want it all handed over with no sacrifice, not people that are struggling for the basics. If the freeloaders would get off the dole, life would be easier for everyone. I know a woman that complains she can't pay for insurance. She is self employed and cleans houses, and most of her income is under the table and not taxed. Whenever she needs healthcare she walks into the hosptial and just gets it and never pays. She gets child support from her ex. She gets pay for her work. She gets free healthcare. The kicker is that she can also afford cable TV, internet, cell phone, 3 horses, a dog, a fairly new truck and a horse trailer. But she can't afford healthcare. She disgusts me. People like that are the drag on the system that are making it way too expensive for everybody else. If those people straightened up and stopped putting the costs up so high, you probably wouldn't have to spend 20% of your income on health care.
Chicken Lil - do you claim that as a deduction on your taxes? You know anything over 7% of your income can be claimed on taxes for medical expenses...

Yes I do claim it, but as our gross is 75K and the deduction is on that, plus you only get a percentage of what you paid out. But it does mean about an extra $1500 savings on taxes. So that makes it $8500 a year. Better, but still a lot.
Oh man... people like that make me want to spit blood horsejody!

There should be a report option or something... but alas.. this is the "good ol' US of A"... and people like that are more common than not

pre-existing condition clauses are only meant for THAT condition - no insurance company should be able to turn you down flat - they can deny coverage for a pre-exisiting condition but they can cover for everything else.

But... if I remember correctly - wasnt there a law passed that so long as you didnt have a lapse in coverage - the "pre-existing condition clause" couldnt come into play at all and they must cover you?? I know I read that somewhere...

I do agree people should be self sufficent and pay for themselves, but not when that means they can not afford the mortgage, which is happening in many instances.

Our net family income is 50K, but every year we pay about 10K in insurance and out of pocket medical expenses. That is 20% of our income. Believe me we do not have any extras.

Plus if you have a pre existing condition a lot of private carriers won't sell you insurance. So what happens if you can not find employment with benefits? Everyone should pay some, but no one should have to pay so much they can not afford the basics.

If you read my post, you will see that I was only complaining about the people that want it all handed over with no sacrifice, not people that are struggling for the basics. If the freeloaders would get off the dole, life would be easier for everyone. I know a woman that complains she can't pay for insurance. She is self employed and cleans houses, and most of her income is under the table and not taxed. Whenever she needs healthcare she walks into the hosptial and just gets it and never pays. She gets child support from her ex. She gets pay for her work. She gets free healthcare. The kicker is that she can also afford cable TV, internet, cell phone, 3 horses, a dog, a fairly new truck and a horse trailer. But she can't afford healthcare. She disgusts me. People like that are the drag on the system that are making it way too expensive for everybody else. If those people straightened up and stopped putting the costs up so high, you probably wouldn't have to spend 20% of your income on health care.

I do agree that everyone should pull thier weight.

Believe me after having to sell my beloved horse, I'd love to kick that lady in the backside as well!

Just seems that for more and more people the weight is just getting to heavy to carry alone.
Yes, true if your lapse in insurance is less than three months than yes they have to cover pre- existing conditions, if you can afford the insurance. The problem is if you have a chronically ill family memeber they may be legaly obligated to sell you a policy but they can charge you whatever they want for it.

Example, eight years ago the company I worked for went belly up. Because the original group no longer existed there was no COBRA available. I went to buy insurance privately, but because DD has SLE with kidney involvement, no one would touch us for less than $1100 a month with a $2000 a year deductable per person, and no medication coverage. DD meds would have been an additional $300 a month. As a single mother who was now getting $2000 a month on unemployment, and had an $700 a month mortgage, just how could I have paid for this medical insurance, without forgoing utilities and food? As for my ex husband, his crummy HMO would not cover her out of NYC where he lived, but we resided in Illinois.

So technically I guess they have to sell you coverage, but if it is at exorbitant rates how does that help?
That's because we all have to carry so much dead weight that is made up of people that won't help themselves and work the system. I have a dear friend that may be laid off from her job at the hospital she works at. She works filing insurance claims, etc. There are too many people that walk in, get treatment and refuse to pay a dime. A lot are illegal aliens. A lot are people like the person I mentioned earlier. My friend told me about one woman that is still recieving very expensive top notch treatment. She already owes the hospital over $150,000. They can possibly get compensation from the government or from charities that help seriously ill people in need, but first the patient has to bring in her financial information and sign some forms. The parasite is too lazy to do that. The hospital is out the money, and they can't legally turn her away for treatment. Now the hospital is struggling to stay afloat. They just laid off a bunch of people. My friend might lose her job. Just one parasite alone not doing her share cost the salary of 3 people for a year.
<<I do agree people should be self sufficent and pay for themselves, but not when that means they can not afford the mortgage, which is happening in many instances.>>

Ohhh dont get me started on people not being able to make their mortgage payments. Now, I am not saying this pertains to you or anyone you know.....BUT.... what makes an average American person in their 20s, making maybe $20-40K a year, or less, feel like they are entitled to a $250K+ house?

Our "house" cost about $8000 dollars... it's a doublewide trailer on an acre in the middle of nowhere, and I love it! In a few years it was paid off, and now it is OURS. Sure, I wouldnt mind tearing this down and building a 250K mansion on this lot, but that's just not feasible. People nowadays think that they should be able to get what they want, right now, and never think to consider the consequences.

When I was growing up in the 80s, everyone drove older cars. How many older cars do you see on the roads now, especially in Suburbia? Everyone needs to have a $400/month car payment on a 2009 model, and then wonder why they can't pay their mortgage and insurance premiums.

America is or used to be, the land of opportunity, not the land of hand me everything for free on a silver platter. Back in the beginning of this post someone said something about having to work for an unethical employer to keep their insurance. I ask why? Surely there is another job somewhere you could get insurance for an ethical employer, no? Sure, you may have to keep your current job until you find one, (or use the COBRA option in the meantime), but nothing says you cannot find yourself a better job.

Someone said something about low income people not getting the healthcare they need. HUH?? What is medicaid then? I thought was the governtment sponsored healthcare for low income folks? I know some people on Medicaid that has better healthcare than our Blue Cross Blue shield. I already have to pay THEIR way, I dont want to have to way YOUR way too.

Healthcare is NOT free! Either you can pay your healthcare, or I can pay your healthcare, and frankly, I dont want to pay for you.

Sorry if this offends anyone.
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