Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Have you tried ice or heat for your pain. I hurt my back and have been going to physical therapy for the last few weeks. They use a lot of ice and heat. Friday starts the real pt torture - the exercise bike for your arms
. No more magnificent back, neck, and shoulder massages
because I am getting better
. And as I was heading out to go to physical therapy last friday I sprained my ankle and boy my therapists have been heckling me.

sorry i havent been on much

i had ALOT of homework tonight .
i spent about 4 straight hours doing homework

then i hear my dog eating something, and i go in the halway and he has my pencil bag, (its a donkey.) and hes trying to destroy it

i was so mad.

my back is feeling slightly better, my boyfriend gave me a massage tonight. so that kinda helped.

we start disection of cats tomarrow in class (im in anatomy)
QJ- Are you the one who wanted cream legbars? Look what I found. I'm really thinking about it. If I got a trio I could be selling my own eggs in about 6 months. But I've got all the chickens I want, and like everyone I have.

Yes, and this has GOT to be the guy on Ebay from Overbrook. "ShanerSportsDog" is his name. Interesting. I need to think about this.
Have you tried ice or heat for your pain. I hurt my back and have been going to physical therapy for the last few weeks. They use a lot of ice and heat. Friday starts the real pt torture - the exercise bike for your arms
. No more magnificent back, neck, and shoulder massages
because I am getting better
. And as I was heading out to go to physical therapy last friday I sprained my ankle and boy my therapists have been heckling me.

ive been laying on a heating pad on and off and it hasnt helped.
i guess it will just work its way out.
i dont want to pay to go to the chiropractor.
and i dont have insurance right now (stupid a**hole deadbeat dad

and sorry to hear bout ur ankle.
i have had countless problems with mine..

yea guys im having com
puter issues 2. it all keeps freezing!
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ive been laying on a heating pad on and off and it hasnt helped.
i guess it will just work its way out.
i dont want to pay to go to the chiropractor.
and i dont have insure right now (stupid a**hole deadbeat dad

How old are you? Just wondering. I'm putting you at 19. It will have to work it's way out. Lay on your right side darnit!

I replied to everyone's responses individually TWICE and neither one posted. I'm not being rude or ignoring you.. I just can't type all that again!

That is all.

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