Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Cool! Note the split length of garden hose attached to the cut edge of the drum with cable ties (zip ties). Will be important to do something similar with metal to protect ducks and hands. The ducks like them. 9 out of 10 eggs get laid in the nest boxes.
Oh good. If there are zip ties involved my husband's on board. He is the KING of zip ties..
Yeah, good thinking!

It's also good to have hinged 'shutters' over your windows so you can close them in wild weather. My shutters are on the inside of the house so you can operate them from a sheltered spot.

I was just wondering if she should take that wood slanted door thing and make one big shutter out of it.
There is already a shutter on hinges and a latch to close the windows.


Also set aside a spot to put food in the indoor coop area. It's good to keep it at least a few yards from the water source so they can't so easily mix the two up. I put hinged lids on the containers that the ducks eat out of so I can shut the lids and prevent access to food if I need to shut the ducks in at night. The lid is normally held up by a cord that is hooked to the wall and I let the cord down to shut the lid.
Love those nest boxes 70. I'm thinking they'd be perfect if I made a little run with pvc and hardware cloth to make little broody huts for my silkies. Kind of like a mini hoop house coop..

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