Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

99.5 in every cabinet currently running (4 total)

ducks no

geese yes

Leave the kids with hubby and get the trio on Sunday.

Wow you guys have been busy
I have been out all day meeting up with a couple new fellow chicken/duck friends, collecting my duck eggs, and picking up 10 little bundles
pics to follow, to tired to walk downstairs to get the beast

my new bundles and the kids getting their snuggle on

eggs ready to go in my bator tomorrow

Sounds like you had a fun, and busy day!

I just finished washing 25 duck and chicken eggs. All of which were super nasty because of all the mud we have from the snow/rain. Ugh

Why do ducks want to bury their eggs several inches deep in mud?

~ Aspen

Sounds like you had a fun, and busy day!

I just finished washing 25 duck and chicken eggs. All of which were super nasty because of all the mud we have from the snow/rain. Ugh

Why do ducks want to bury their eggs several inches deep in mud?

~ Aspen

i know right i had this one duck that would always lay her eggs on the bank of their swimming ditch and it would roll in and be at the bottom of foot deep manky water, the dog loved it because she always got that egg
My geese also bury there eggs, more than the duck in fact.

I got one goose egg today, it was in the American/Roman's stall, but I don't remember seeing it this morning. Penny (smooth lilac seb girl), and the trio of peas stay inside the goose house during the day, and the door to the stall was open, so she could have laid it. We'll just have to wait and see I guess.

No matter who I put Penny with they bully her and keep her off the food and water. Her leg is injured, so that is why she is separate from the geese during the day, so she can rest her leg. Plus she's getting all the food, water, and treats she can eat.

~ Aspen
I set 13 sebbie eggs yesterday. I've marked the ones sitting the longest (12 days) but they've all been at 45-50 degrees and turned, (and NOT shipped
) so I'm still expecting a reasonable hatch.......if the are fertile.


I know I am too, I can't borrow the bigger vehicle till Monday, and I don't think I will be able to fit a crate big enough for them in my subie wagon
Lol. I took about 20 birds in stacked poultry crates in my subie on a two hour drive. That was... interesting.

I'm picking up something cool and much desired tomorrow. Pics will be on in the evening.
Hatch day is Sunday! I have 2 in there, never done this before though. Hatching for a friend, I dont' own ducks and dont want any, don't hate me LOL
Warning: you might change your mind once you meet them. Best of luck on your hatch!
Update: i candled the 15 eggs yesterday evening. Three didn't make it, but 12 did, so... YAY!!! Thanks y'all for the encouragement.
Great news!
Iain, can't wait for the Africans to get in gear. I think my most hissy and fussy and " aggressive " (LOL< non of them are aggressive to us just hissy) gees are the sebbies, but that could be because they are the only ones laying. I don't know if my one year old buffs dewlaps are going to get in gear this year or not. Has anyone gotten eggs from a 1 year old dewlap yet?

Oh, I thought I'd figured out the whole story with the sebbies bloody wings, but then yesterday I saw something that made me drop everything and intervene. I was walking inside with little DD after school and in the pen the gray sebbie male (who's the one injured one) was dragging the tom turkey around.
He had a hold of that midget white tom, and would not let go. The tom was biting at him, and flapping his wings, and trying to jump, and make a whole lot of noise, but that sebbie would not let go. I noticed that the tom was looking a little plucked too. This is not what I anticipated at all y'all.

I guess I have this weekends project lined up. Trim wing and tail feathers on all midget white turkeys, and make them their own pen. There is only a trio of them, and the hens are good as gold. They love to be petted. Tom is noisy and struts and acts tough, and occasionally tries to jump on us, but there is no doubt (at this point-I've been wrong before) that the sebbie boy is being aggressive toward the Tom. AT least when I'm watching. No birds dare come close to the sebbie laying grounds. The ducks never go near ever for any reason. I think maybe those anconas are the smartest birds in my backyard.
Barnyard drama. It's always someone, isn't it?
my new bundles and the kids getting their snuggle on

eggs ready to go in my bator tomorrow

Thanks for the game bird info. I read somewhere that chukars are mean. Anyone experienced that? I don't want a ton of them, just enough to train my dogs with.

I have raised alot of Chukar. I got my eggs online & had a great hatch. Not hard to hatch, but raising from babies is tricky. I can give you some tips if you like?

Is this during incubation or during "lock-down" or both? Do you still spray or mist the eggs during incubation?

I never mist any of my eggs, never have. I just keep a good humidity & candle alot

This is non-waterfowl related..but thought I'd share.

Coconut..... ; )

~ Aspen
Cute pooch!

BAKIN adorable kids n Chicks!

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