Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

hi all, sick kids and computer troubles, need I say more? Julia has been immensely bummed about birds, and is now taking amoxicilian for an ear infection.

Have 15 new lavander orphingtons, 3 new mille flour, 4 new blue cochin, 2 new doelings, 1 new buckling, 1 wether (for buck buddy),, 25 blue eggs, 10 sebbies eggs, and DH wants me to order partridges.  (we allready have 2 pear trees, so I guess I'm covered there)

Big Hugs to all!


Wow! That's a lot of new additions. Sounds like fun (except for the sick kid part).
Jerry, it's awesome to have you back!!!!!!!
thanks Janet good to be on here and hatching again

hi all, sick kids and computer troubles, need I say more? Julia has been immensely bummed about birds, and is now taking amoxicilian for an ear infection.

Have 15 new lavander orphingtons, 3 new mille flour, 4 new blue cochin, 2 new doelings, 1 new buckling, 1 wether (for buck buddy),, 25 blue eggs, 10 sebbies eggs, and DH wants me to order partridges. (we allready have 2 pear trees, so I guess I'm covered there)

Big Hugs to all!

we have some lavander and Lemon orphington eggs coming soon so I will be making recipes for some of those later in the year going to keep a few for broodies
Jerry, it's awesome to have you back!!!!!!!
6 out of 7!?! Where'd you get them?
Eggs from a friend. Told her to replace that drake because he's throwing mostly boys.
Can't believe me post is still going string.
I love this thread! It's the only thing I follow regularly on BYC anymore.
Still cant type worth ****
I'm just happy you stopped by! Miss you!
hi all, sick kids and computer troubles, need I say more? Julia has been immensely bummed about birds, and is now taking amoxicilian for an ear infection.

Have 15 new lavander orphingtons, 3 new mille flour, 4 new blue cochin, 2 new doelings, 1 new buckling, 1 wether (for buck buddy),, 25 blue eggs, 10 sebbies eggs, and DH wants me to order partridges. (we allready have 2 pear trees, so I guess I'm covered there)

Big Hugs to all!

Boo to the sick kids and computer issues, but hooray to the new birds and goats!
Quote: I've never turned off my fan. If there's a way, I don't know of it. I have a frankenbator I use for the hatching though.
thanks Janet good to be on here and hatching again

we have some lavander and Lemon orphington eggs coming soon so I will be making recipes for some of those later in the year going to keep a few for broodies
Lavender and Lemon. Sounds like there's a recipe in there!
Eggs from a friend. Told her to replace that drake because he's throwing mostly boys.

I love this thread! It's the only thing I follow regularly on BYC anymore.

Wow, that is bad luck. If you hatched them yourself, no chance someone unloaded a bunch of boys as "straight run."

This is my favorite thread, too. No drama and everyone is nice!
I'm afraid I might have killed my Seb eggs with temp fluctuations. I'm not sure, though. They definitely started developing, but they look sort of funky. Guess I'll just have to wait and see.
I love geese. I used to have a formula for checking goose eggs that had a goose setting on them. It goes like this:

1. Approach goose and listen to her hiss for a minute.
2. Extend hand and let her bite the side of it. She'll do her best to twist it off.
3. After she gets a good grip, raise your hand high enough that she has to stand to keep a good hold on you.
4. Examine eggs quickly, you have a 20 lb bird trying to take your hand off!
5. Lower hand and back away in a crouch, she'll usually return to the eggs very happily at having run off such a predator!
6. If she does get wild and try to follow you a bit, just trot away so she can feel victorious.

Never had one leave the nest over doing that, never cracked an egg. OTOH, Ida and the kids would just flip out and swear the bird was going to kill me. I told them the geese were a bit small for that, but they didn't like that big bird being outraged at me a bit. Try it with caution, your mileage may vary, no warranty express or implied. LOL. And don't blame me for the blue spot on your hand, either.

Still, it beat trying to catch them off the nest and checking for rotten eggs then. Approaching a nest that they've left for a minute just drives geese crazy, or it did mine. They'd run all the way from the pond, screaming their heads off if they thought anyone or anything was near the nests.

I did hatch a fair number of goslings though you really have better luck with setting them under hens. As I said before though, the hens have a tendency to dislike a chick that large and you can get some that will kill the goslings very easily if you aren't there to rescue them.
Old, welcome to the thread. You obviously have a lot of experience with waterfowl. Hope you continue to post here and on other threads.

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