Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

I got 1 lemon cuckoo Orpington to hatch not really happy with this guy i got 12 of his eggs he sent me 12 out of 12 only 2 where fertile all the other where clear no bulleye nothing.. I emailed him told him I would send pictures but that there was no way these where fertile or I would have more then 1 chick.... He will not do anything I can under stand him not wanting to replace shipped eggs but I ship eggs all the time and I have replace for a number of reasons... Now he will not email me back.... So I paid like $50 for one chick

it not like I was asking him to pay for everything just if I get more eggs send me a few extras to replace the clear ones....
any how I'm going to try again as I just love these so I'm bidding on these

What do you think??
But I do know there is no way I can do anything with just one chick.

I have also been bidding on these but was think of just driving up and getting chocolate chicks for the lady here in WA for $50ea instead of trying to hatch these but I do not know what to do

I will get some pictures of my LCO chick in a few here
I got nothing when ordering 2 dozen turkey eggs from you except poop and stink
I got 1 lemon cuckoo Orpington to hatch not really happy with this guy i got 12 of his eggs he sent me 12 out of 12 only 2 where fertile all the other where clear no bulleye nothing.. I emailed him told him I would send pictures but that there was no way these where fertile or I would have more then 1 chick.... He will not do anything I can under stand him not wanting to replace shipped eggs but I ship eggs all the time and I have replace for a number of reasons... Now he will not email me back.... So I paid like $50 for one chick

it not like I was asking him to pay for everything just if I get more eggs send me a few extras to replace the clear ones....
any how I'm going to try again as I just love these so I'm bidding on these

What do you think??
But I do know there is no way I can do anything with just one chick.

I have also been bidding on these but was think of just driving up and getting chocolate chicks for the lady here in WA for $50ea instead of trying to hatch these but I do not know what to do

I will get some pictures of my LCO chick in a few here
I got nothing when ordering 2 dozen turkey eggs from you except poop and stink
Soooooooooo how far back do I have to read to figure out where this thread is now?
Been off BYC some months....(workin' the land, caring for critters, and grandkids)...but my incubator is fired up (well, plugged in, got Silkie duck eggs,a few hookbills, and 3 goose eggs in. Just candled and all the white siiky/snowy silkie are infertile.... (well all my males are last years hatch fromHolderead) I swopped the drake for another white and see if he figures soemthing out. The duck is 2 years old so, see how long she lays. I have 3 shetland geese eggs and an African from Holdereads in there too as I want to see if they will hatch, the geese are all last years hatch so don't think anyone will set, we'll see. I had bad luck with power outages last year and only hatched a few Hookbills(these guys are tough), and 3 runners out of 60+ eggs, also think I had temp too low.... I set them the 16th ; some eggs had been in garage for up to 10 days, only washed the really dirty ones...last year washed everything and spritzed, but turned right away and didn't stop turning when I should that and 3 power outages and keeping my temp too low (still air- 99-100) ,....anyway I lost most of them right at end....arrrghhh. Hookbills had to be helped out a bit as membrane was tough, and they got too big for shell I think... all were 'crooked' and I put one down, but then the others seemed to straighten up in a week or so......I also think humidity may have been too high ....well anyway made lots of mistakes
and the power offs....... I intend to maybe add some this weekend to fill in the holes from the whites--- and may fire up the other incubator in April for the Runners, they were separated 10 days ago in breeding groups and jsut strted laying.
Has anyone heard when they'll be getting their goslings from Holderread yet? They said they'd sent ship dates out in March. I don't want to bug them, because I'm sure they're busy, but I'm wondering if anyone else has their ship date yet...
Yes, and you can thank my husband's exaggerations for "the duck lady" title. I'm actually a little embarassed he brags me up as much as he does. :)

Have you gotten ducklings from us? Maybe Black East Indies last year?

No I haven't but I talked to you a couple times though Facebook asking about black runner ducklings & I ended up getting them closer to me. I actually am getting east indie & domestic teal eggs in a week & I have trout runners & snowy calls in my incubator right now. What a small world!

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