Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Yes! I call it my "inner chicken".

QJ - Love that idea. Hope it works for "inner ducks" too!

The ducklings in my pic by my name(avatar). I need to get new pics of them tomorrow, they turned out really pretty I think.

Here is the duckling I helped. It has about a pea sized yolk, and it looks like there is still a little blood in the membranes, but it didn't bleed at all pulling it as far out as I did. I think he'll be in the brooder by morning.

He's cute. I want to keep him. I almost wish I didn't have chickens so I could just have a bunch of ducks. The kids really like the chickens though, and I have 7 ducks, and may need to get another. Only have 2 big ducks though...

I was walking around with hubby today, and almost stepped on this egg. Anyone have any idea what it is? I candled it and it looked good, so I threw it into the incubator.
I hope it isn't a loch ness monster egg. It's the little spotty one. The big speckled one is a turkey egg.
Julie - Looks like a prarie chicken too me. Too big for quail. Usually owls have burrows or hollows, not commen to nest on ground. Ironically, carnivoris birds have an inate understanding about others things wanting to eat eggs. Pheasent eggs would be brownish or greenish. Spots belong to quails, prarie chickens, and turkeys. Turkey eggs, even wild, are bigger than a chicken. Prarie Chickesn incubate about 23 days, I think. Feed them like a baby turkey or quail.

Ok, picture time before I go back outside.
The ducklings love the mud puddle, the goslings stick around eating grass.

My big ducklings watch from a safe distance.

And the incubator is full of resting ducklings.

all your pics! The first one, those babies are having a GREAT TIME!
QJ - Love that idea. Hope it works for "inner ducks" too!
Julie - Looks like a prarie chicken too me. Too big for quail. Usually owls have burrows or hollows, not commen to nest on ground. Ironically, carnivoris birds have an inate understanding about others things wanting to eat eggs. Pheasent eggs would be brownish or greenish. Spots belong to quails, prarie chickens, and turkeys. Turkey eggs, even wild, are bigger than a chicken. Prarie Chickesn incubate about 23 days, I think. Feed them like a baby turkey or quail.

all your pics! The first one, those babies are having a GREAT TIME!

A prairie chicken would be cool, lol. The egg was sitting on a four wheeler track, no nest around to put it back in and I couldn't leave it there to be smashed, so what else to do with it but stick it in the incubator.
The babies and big ducks love that mud puddle, I keep filling it back up because they run for it and start playing and pulling up worms. The geese like playing in the big pool, but it's a pain to get them all in there for the 15 minutes before they start to waterlog, so I like the puddle too.

I feed my babies as soon as they are dry and in the brooder. They can wait, but its certainly NOT required.
x2, I offer them food and water. They usually start drinking quickly, but if they don't I don't worry. They have enough yolk to last them awhile. If you have one a little weak I think pediasure or something like that with electrolytes and sugar would help give a boost more than vitamins.
Here's a thread with a discussion on apple cider vinegar.

It's very acidic. There's some thought that it helps prevent/treats sour crop, fungal infections, etc.

I sometimes put about a Tbsp per gallon of water, especially after any stress, just as a preventitive. I figure, it might help and it can't hurt (as long as you don't over use it). I use the kind with "the mother" in it--Bragg's (it's unfiltered and unpasteurized).

I'm curious what does apple cider vinegar and "Polyvisol" do for ducks/chickens?
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Julie wat kinda ducklings r u hatching?

They were eggs from my ancona hen and cayuga x buff drake. The babies all look blue or black pied, I can tell better when they fluff out. 4 more (fridge eggs) due 4 days after these guys, so I'll have more hatching soon. I need to email the lady that wanted at least 6 of these and tell her her ducklings will be ready a few days early.
I'm anxious to see what this one egg is gonna be. I think it would have to be from your drake still. Since the rest of the ones I collected are all non-fertile.

What I do is this:

Sav a chic
couple drops of nutri-drench
half a teaspoon of vinegar
pinch of sugar

That's my secret concoction that I use for mine. On the third day I put their feed in it to make the mush. I also offer normal food and normal water on the side. I'm weird. I give them a choice until I see them all eating the hard stuff.

Just Me.
x2, I offer them food and water. They usually start drinking quickly, but if they don't I don't worry. They have enough yolk to last them awhile. If you have one a little weak I think pediasure or something like that with electrolytes and sugar would help give a boost more than vitamins.

I think plain pediassure (or water w/a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar) would help any weaklings. That is closer to their physical requirements that a plethera of vitamins, but a little dose once or twice probobly won't hurt them. I just don't give them things I don't think their parents would offer them. Its a personal thing - stay close to the source.

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