Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Good question. Unexpected Ebay win. If I get a pair out of them, I'll give them a small fly pen, and see if I can make more. If I get all males or females, we'll be eating pheasent at Christmas.

Well....there's my answer!
i have a lady who wants 4-6 call ducklings when they hatch out.
thats $28-42

now lets hope this hatch goes well!


OH OH OH !!! I just saw Little Eddie Seal the Deal with my mallard hen!!!! Woo Hoo!!!! Hope he hit the bullseye!!



i love how we get excited when out ducks "get some"

Hubby called me the other day to tell me he was in the backyard watching duckie porn! I was just about jumping up and down. Yay! Fertile eggs!

yes theres a movie about canadian geese. its called fly away home or something like that.

im half tempted to get rid of the 2 ducklings.
or the one that is a spaz.
the other one likes me lol

if we are outside they love me. or if i have goodies.
but if i stick my hand in the brooder everyone spazes

That's a great movie. Also the reason I got hubby convinced to let me hatch some geese!

So far 5 ducklings out, 4 resting in their shells, and 1 still zipping. I think I finally got my 100% hatch!

<--- Jealous. Of course, if I had a 100% hatch, I'd be overrun with ducklings!

I helped my horribly shrink wrapped ducky (due to a coop accident) out this morning. No problems, no blood went without a hitch. came out of the egg into a paper towel on the palm of my hand.
I'm afraid an egg that was pipped at the time may have shrink wrapped in the process of the quick open and close of the bator. But I now have 5 or 6 pips in the bator and don't want to rick the rest. I feel bad for what could possibly happen if I don't help that one....

Awesome! Helping hatch is so nerve-wracking!

Ok, picture time before I go back outside.
The ducklings love the mud puddle, the goslings stick around eating grass.

My big ducklings watch from a safe distance.

And the incubator is full of resting ducklings.

I'll ask in here, but also posted in hatching/incubating forum -
Our school is 'willing' to purchase us an incubator for our chicken/duck hatching project and the owner will take 2 of what we hatch as well.
Good 'affordable' incubator suggestions? The cheaper the better. Won't be used often - maybe a couple times a year max.
Ok here are my babies that hatched last night and today. Some of them kicked off their shells too early so they are in the "Hospital Area". I am keeping their little cords covered with a damp paper towel so they can absorb it before it dries out.

all resting up

First one born, and he is a BUGGER

DG, don't forget Sebbies have dietary needs different from other geese. Never feed corn to them for any reason. They do not shed water like ducks and other geese so they need full shelter from the weather. They can over heat, so shade is a must for them. Otherwise enjoy and keep us posted.

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