Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

You are so not a duck molester until you have to push a drakes penis back inside! Prolapse is just so much fun.

Jeesh...this thread is full of duck molesters!!! I wonder if there are any in my neighborhood? I'll have to be sure to keep my ducks locked up!
CG, I am excited you have babies growing in your bator!! Look forward to hatching time.... even though it seems far away still.

it does seem far away.
but not as far as if they were geese.
lets just hope i dont have to help everyone this time.
but atleast i know how now.

i have to find some way to fix the ducks pool =/
its leaking in 2-3 spots.
i have to refill it everyday. rather than just cleaning it every other day
I liked it, but I'm a horse gal and I pretty much like any horse movie.

When I watch horse movies it makes me wanna go out and ride my own horse. So now we have the trailer pulled up to fix a few things so we can haul off to the lake this weekend for a ride. Got a new saddle pad for my B-Day and i'm itching to try it out. $160 pad for a speed thrill horse, I really have lost it. LOL, I love my mare just wish she would slow down and enjoy the trails vs. her previouse owners endurance trail competition dreams. She still hasn't figured out that her job is not to beat the clock. Last fall she tore or sprained a tendon or ligament in her left front. She got her leg in the fence and although she didn't cut it bad she did have a ligament injury that I had to treat. She was stalled for 3 months and then slowly introduced back into the turnout padock by hand walking everyday. She got to be a handful after 3 months of a stall and her leg feeling better, but ligament or tendon injuries are nothing to mess around with. I was holding my breath the first time I turned her out to the padock, she bucked and kicked and ran and twisted
I was so afraid I'de have her back up in the stall. With lots and lots of prayer the leg held and we have been slowly working her back into riding. She seems to be 100% now.

This was an old picture from last summer. She's nice and dark black right now since she is just shedding off and hasn't faded out from the sun yet. I should get her out and spruce her up a bit.

I'm a horse gal, too....but I can't hardly watch a movie that a horse get's injured, mistreated or killed. I want to see War Horse, but I heard the horse dies?

You have a gorgeous mare, by the way! Glad to hear she is bouncing back from her injury. I sure hope my poor boy does. I'd post a couple pics of his injury, but not sure if everyone can handle it. The would is clean and not bloody, just looks really bad......
Can anyone please give me some advise as to how to break egg eating habits? Will a stone egg work?

I've heard to try stone eggs or a blown egg filled with mustard, but usually egg eaters have to be culled before they teach the whole flock.

You are so not a duck molester until you have to push a drakes penis back inside! Prolapse is just so much fun.


it does seem far away.
but not as far as if they were geese.
lets just hope i dont have to help everyone this time.
but atleast i know how now.

i have to find some way to fix the ducks pool =/
its leaking in 2-3 spots.
i have to refill it everyday. rather than just cleaning it every other day

I used silicon sealant on mine, it had a huge crack going up the side after winter. It's held good for a month so far.
My babies are peeping!!! It's 2nd day of lockdown and I can hear them!!! Ack!!!! So nervous!!!!

Yay!!!! Updates when they come!

I can't wait till you have pictures of all of them. You raise very pretty babies!

I forget what I was going to say...

You are so not a duck molester until you have to push a drakes penis back inside! Prolapse is just so much fun.


ChickenCrazy: Pretty horsey!
Sorry, QJ... I have no clue about chickens.

But I found myself on ebay this morning looking at dewlap toulouse listings.... and saw that the seller where I got my buff dewlap eggs is having a hard time moving her eggs... and has a GREAT price of $45 OBO for 4 eggs listed.

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