Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Go turkey go!!

By the way... the seller of the toulouse babies I just hatched out has hatching eggs for some pretty neat turkey breeds too. Just an FYI.
Lol. No more eggs for me. I want a tom from these poults, then I will have my foundation breeding stock. I'll have hubby's turkey pair, my sizzle quad, and EE trio, goose pair, and call ducks. Won't be able to hatch from most of them until next spring, but my sizzles should start anytime. I'm so excited to actually have my own birds to hatch from soon.
Julie, I hear ya. While I have had fun shopping for different breeds' eggs, I get too frustrated that shippers do not package eggs properly. I am really looking forward to having my own breeding stock for future hatching eggs.
Egg shopping is always fun, and I like gambling
so the shipped eggs don't bother me too much. I'm excited about starting my own breeding flock though, and knowing the mommy/daddy to my future babies.
I understand about the gamble part... and I accept low development rates fairly well on the less expensive duck eggs... but with these dewlaps costing an average of $25 per egg, you better believe I am grilling the sellers about fertility and packaging before agreeing to purchase.
I understand about the gamble part... and I accept low development rates fairly well on the less expensive duck eggs... but with these dewlaps costing an average of $25 per egg, you better believe I am grilling the sellers about fertility and packaging before agreeing to purchase.

I think I'd be taking a road trip if I wanted dewlaps, but luckily for me there are plenty of auctions/swaps/shows/breeders in the area that I could go to instead of having to get shipped eggs.
Marty, it may be 2 years before I have toulouse or dewlap hatching eggs. I am told that they are usually still young as a 1yo to lay fertile eggs. I may be able to ship a breeding pair to you next winter... and I should have cayuga and ancona eggs to swap!!

FYI, I tossed all but 1 lonely SA egg. Let's see if I can nurse it to hatching and then hope it is the opposite sex from the SA I just hatched.

Your pretty far away, I may just have to wait two years for your eggs. Those people never get back to me about the dewlaps, so I fiinally gave up on them.

My first turkey pip! Hurry up little poults!

I'm glad its pipped, hopefully some others follow suit real soon!

I think I'd be taking a road trip if I wanted dewlaps, but luckily for me there are plenty of auctions/swaps/shows/breeders in the area that I could go to instead of having to get shipped eggs.
Where Julie? Any between us?
That's so weird, Marty! They are so over-run with eggs right now, they are running buy it now sales on ebay. 4 eggs for $45! It's a deal and a half!

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