This isn't planted in my 3 sisters section, but since the topic of different heirloom corn has come up so much I thought i'd include this pic. Its Hooker's sweet blue Indian Corn. Territorial seeds listed it gets around 4 ft and as you can see the plants are tiny. I included a sandal for size comparison. Note they already have silks.

Trying to understand what "fall beans" are. THe listing under Sandhilll is that they are from Appalacian area. Well, the Appa lacians are a very long mtn region from the south all the way to Maine. . . . .
This isn't planted in my 3 sisters section, but since the topic of different heirloom corn has come up so much I thought i'd include this pic. Its Hooker's sweet blue Indian Corn. Territorial seeds listed it gets around 4 ft and as you can see the plants are tiny. I included a sandal for size comparison. Note they already have silks.

Great idea to toss that sandal in for sizing!! Boy that is short corn, but soon to be ready, too. I love the TErritorial seed catalog-- so much growing information to boot. Spent my lunch time looking thru their catalog, and it took me over a week to get thru. Any one try the red mulch?? Mostly for tomatos but just wondered as I"m sure everyone has tomatos tucked away somewhere in the garden.

The range of corn heights is rather amazing. After thumbing thru a number of varieties I noticed that the smaller ones tend to develop much quicker and the huge one take much longer to have corn ready. I imagine planting different heights in different areas for different uses. Seems to me the corn need to be just taller than the squash, but not so tall or thickly seeded that they block much of the sun for the squash. Just randoms thoughts I have when mulling over which seed to buy. . . .

Hmm have we written down all the sources we have either purchased from, or know of? If not, might be worth noting.
Those little rabbit pellets make an excellent inoculant and fertilizer when putting plants in an aquarium. I don't have an aquarium running any more. (At one time, I was raising angel fish, and had 12 tanks running!) But, rabbits are an intriguing option for increasing the family protein. No crowing!

ROFL yup NO crowing!! I often forget the rabbit, hence he gets automatic feeders and waterers that hold a lot of food. That makes me feel better. Actually he get lots of greens when I weed. He is a meat rabbit-- I just havent looked for any girls. Long story. . . .
Common sense pervailed. I will wait to order seed. THere really isnt any room to add more corn at this time. I will have to be patient for next year.

I did write out a list of corn I want from Sandhill. Willing to take the risk with them. THey are clear in their opening statements that this is a hobby farm. I would love to support their efforts to offera HUGE variety of seed. Had a REALLY difficult time deciding on the corns. Think the list has 15 varieties.
I just couldnt make up my mind which to eliminate.
Nicely stored seed!! What you did certainly worked to keep the germination rate high.  So at 5-7 seeds then down to 2-3 per hill. How big are the hills, as in how far apart are the 2-3 after thinnning? ANd how far apart are the hills??

Errr, I was is a rather big hurry, and since I only had about 10 minutes to plant before I was leaving for two weeks, this is what I did. I dropped 5-7 seeds in front of me and I just walked barefoot over the seed to press it in. :lol: (then I raked it flat before setting a sprinkler on it)
(I meant to post these earlier but had to be home to get the updated shot). I Do NOT recommend planting like this unless you are in a huge hurry as it did not come up nearly as good as it does in the black plastic.....(in western Oregon).but I will get corn at least! :/ And hopefully enough to save AND use.... ;) another thing that I just changed is the sprinkler as it was too short, not all the corn was getting equal water :rolleyes:


So, not really hills, still rows like last year, just closer together and without the black plastic. I'll plant beans and short season squash around the edges this week too.
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This is what my Golden Bantam is doing in black plastic as compared to the Blue Hopi above.....


Planted these the same day and right before the blue Hopi. I'll plant some smaller beans in here and maybe a squash or two. I went to Sandhills, Baker Creek and Shumways website, but ended up just ordering from Baker Creek. Thank you @Fluffnpuff for mentioning them.....I bought the Cherokee trail of tears bean too. thought it would be nice, theme wise anyway, with the blue Hopi :rolleyes:
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Those little rabbit pellets make an excellent inoculant and fertilizer when putting plants in an aquarium.  I don't have an aquarium running any more.  (At one time, I was raising angel fish, and had 12 tanks running!)  But, rabbits are an intriguing option for increasing the family protein.  No crowing!

I have ALWAYS wondered how they fertilized aquariums! :D
Quote: Clearly your hurry method worked!! I have been reluctant to use black plastic but after the last start this year I am rethinking it. Where do you buy such stuff??

This is what my Golden Bantam is doing in black plastic as compared to the Blue Hopi above.....

Planted these the same day and right before the blue Hopi. I'll plant some smaller beans in here and maybe a squash or two. I went to Sandhills, Baker Creek and Shumways website, but ended up just ordering from Baker Creek. Thank you @Fluffnpuff for mentioning them.....I bought the Cherokee trail of tears bean too. thought it would be nice, theme wise anyway, with the blue Hopi

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