I check hardness by pressing kernel through the shuck but some old timers say hardness to pull open an ear or alternately open it and chew a kernel
Yes I learned from my grandfather and my mothers oldest brother about 46 years ago
Try about 3 ears choose 1 you think about right one you think might be too young and one
that seems a bit too hard.. Cook and see how well you did after a couple attempts you should do GOOD.
Yes I learned from my grandfather and my mothers oldest brother about 46 years ago
Try about 3 ears choose 1 you think about right one you think might be too young and one
that seems a bit too hard.. Cook and see how well you did after a couple attempts you should do GOOD.
Nice trial and error method!!! Love it.
I limited myself to 25 squash varieties last summer, and have plenty of seeds for 2015.

Lol i'm just as bad. Last summer i had 16 types in total when you add winter squash/pumpkins/zucchini/summer squash. For that particular sister this summer, i've planned on just planting straight pumpkins instead of the previous mix.
lol I"m glad I"m NOT alone!!!

I have been thinking over the lay out for next year, and I do think fewer is better per square foot.Meaning, for every corn stalk plant about half or less in squash. ANd perhaps the corn needs to have more distance between the stalks to let in the sun light.

I do feel like I'm trying to reinvent the wheel. lol
Found this on Johnny's seed catalog pages. Makes me think I am on the right track to have MORE space between plants.

PLANT SPACING:Medium- and large-fruited pumpkin varieties need plenty of growing room for sufficient sunlight penetration for successful fruiting, and to grow to their fruit size potential. 6' row spacing is recommended. See tables for individual plant spacing per variety.

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