
Premium Feather Member
Jul 10, 2020
Hi All,

I have a hen, details below, that I posted about recently (link to previous post here), because she was gasping for air while eating. See below for new developments...

The Chicken: MABEL
-2.5-3.5 years old
-blue red laced Wyandotte
-laying - very occasionally
-bright red face and comb - not dry - she LOOKS like a perfect bird
-7lbs - one of our biggest girls
-member of a flock of 11, then are in a DELUXE winterized coop, sand litter on the inside. Fenced in (and tarped) run, lots of ventilation inside and outside.
-eats like a world champ
-seems to be fine with the cold

NEW developments: last Thursday morning, I went out to do my usual poop-scooping chores, and Mabel popped her head inside the coop and was really gasping for air, mouth open, neck stretched out, it really looked bad. I called me husband over, and we took a look down her esophagus, and there was some buildup that looked light yellowish, textured (my husband described the texture as "what the inside of a gizzard usually looks like"). There was nothing in her mouth, it was just down her esopaus. It was not possible to take a photo at the time. It was shocking to see, so I put a bit of Vet RX on her beak, and went inside to research online. I took photos last night, since the lighting was better, will post below.

The most likely issues I have found are thrush or canker. There is NO SMELL though! And I believe her crop is performing as it should? I believe both thrush and canker usually come with foul smells? In my research, I found that both can be improved with Thyme oil and Clove Powder. I was able to get some Thyme oil locally, and have mixed it with coconut oil, added a bit of Clove powder, and we have been giving her this with a syringe once in the morning, and if possible, just before bed. She seems a BIT better to me, but I am just hoping someone can help give me some clarity/best guesses on what it could be?

Like I said above, she seems perfectly healthy in every way otherwise, she eats a ton, poops seem fine, nice clean butt, comb and face are the brightest red in the yard, very active, too. She isn't currently gasping as much as she was last Thursday, but she certainly still does when she's munching down.

Appreciate your time and any help :)
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I would keep checking for a bad odor. Thrush (yeast, Candida albicans) usually does not have a bad odor as far as I know. Others who have treated canker (trichmoniasis) say that it does smell rotten. Thrush would be treated with an antifungal medicine such as Medistatin powder found online, Nystatin, or miconazole. Canker which is carried by pigeons and wild birds, is treated with metronidazole (Aqua Zole found online,) Flagyl, and acidified copper sulfate 1/4 tsp in 1 gallon of water for 3 days a month.

If you see more respiratory symptoms, it could be a respiratory disease which can cause yellow plaques inside the trachea. A vet would be the best bet to know what you are dealing with. Since that is not always a possibility, if you lose her, your state vet cannperform a necropsy, and that is a good way to find out if something is contagious.

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