Thyroid Disease suffers

I wanted to mention something that could be a big help to everyone.

If your basal body temperature is 97.8 degrees F or less for three consecutive days, it is almost certain that your thyroid function is low and your metabolism has slowed because of it.

To determine your basal temp, take your temperature with a Veterinarian thermometer (not an electronic one) each day before you sit up in bed.

This is an amazing book, with a great deal of information about Thyroid disease!

The Calcium Lie: What Your Doctor Doesn't Know Could Kill You
Well, some good news, some not quite as good ~ I got my labs back, and they were again, just next to borderline. However, my doctor was willing to work with me anyway, so he put me on the lowest levothyroxine they make. (25 mcg) He said if this helps some, we may look at going to 30mcg, & then I can get it in the Armour, instead of the levo. I was amazed at how cheap it was though ~ only $6!!! If I have been going through all of this for a measly $6 every 45 days ~ holy hannah! ~ UURRGHHH!
Oh well, on to better days...
Chicabee ~ I love you!! :-D Thanks for all of your kindness~ someday, somewhere, somehow, it'll come back to you ~ 10 fold!

Well, some good news, some not quite as good ~ I got my labs back, and they were again, just next to borderline. However, my doctor was willing to work with me anyway, so he put me on the lowest levothyroxine they make. (25 mcg) He said if this helps some, we may look at going to 30mcg, & then I can get it in the Armour, instead of the levo. I was amazed at how cheap it was though ~ only $6!!! If I have been going through all of this for a measly $6 every 45 days ~ holy hannah! ~ UURRGHHH!
Oh well, on to better days...
Chicabee ~ I love you!! :-D Thanks for all of your kindness~ someday, somewhere, somehow, it'll come back to you ~ 10 fold! hugs

Wonderful news Red gal! I'm so very happy for you. Hopefully you'll feel better very soon.

I can't suggest strongly enough that you switch your iodized chemical table salt to natural Sea Salt. It is so worth it! I'd say of the many things I've learned over the last five years, Sea Salt is in the top 3. Redmond's brand is not expensive, and is as good as those expensive 'celebrity' Celtic/Himalaya sea salts.

My main goal in life is to help others... I don't want anything to come back to me except the soul connection that comes from helping someone be happier in some small way!​
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Well I go to the Doc to get tested on Wednesday. I take a lot of supplements to feel a good as I can and I'm not sure if they will throw my tests off so I'm trying not to take any till after I go. He is listed as one of the Top Thyroid docs in GA. I'll update after my appointment.
I have not read this whole thread, but I am going to call my dr and get new blood work done. Not sure what to get done.. but I betcha that my thyroid is acting up. I have lots of symptoms... even though my last blood work (last month) came back fine.
I have not read this whole thread, but I am going to call my dr and get new blood work done. Not sure what to get done.. but I betcha that my thyroid is acting up. I have lots of symptoms... even though my last blood work (last month) came back fine.

Do you know what bloodwork was done last month? If it was only TSH, there's no way to know if your thyroid is ok.

It's important to determine if your thyroid problem is auto-immune. that is what the antibody tests are for. They will tell you if you have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.

Here are the tests every thyroid patient should demand:

Total T4/ Total Thyroxine
Free T4 / Free Thyroxine
Total T3 / Total Triiodothyronine
Free T3 / Free Triiodothyronine
Thyroglobulin/Thyroid Binding Globulin/TBG
T3 Resin Uptake (T3RU)
Reverse T3
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPOAb) / Antithyroid Peroxidase Antibodies
Antithyroid Microsomal Antibodies / Antimicrosomal Antibodies
Thyroglobulin Antibodies / Antithyroglobulin Antibodies
Thyroid Receptor Antibodies (TRAb)
Thyroid-Stimulating Immunoglobulins (TSI)

It is also very important to determine how your adrenals are functioning, since treating thyroid w/o knowing can be counterproductive.

Here are some tests for adrenals all thyroid patients should demand:


I'd be curious to know what your results are!

good luck
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Thank You for that listing of lab tests that should be conducted..
I dont know if the doc will go for all of that, but some of that could give us information to make some sort of diagnosis, and get started on treatment.

Besides, I don't think most of the tests are done here.... I might have to live with just a couple and wait till I go back home to get treatment started...

I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread, and have found the information posted to be invaluable..

Thanks to all those that have contributred, and for Micki for starting it.
hi Micki,

You're welcome! Where are you located? Sounds like you're outside the U.S.

If anyone is in a place where they do perform these tests and the doctor is reluctant, insist! It is your right.

If your doctor says your insurance company won't allow the antibody tests, ask the doctor to indicate that he wants to "rule-out Hashimoto's".

If you have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, poor treatment can lead to Hashimoto's Encephalitis, which is one good reason to want to KNOW whether you have this auto-immune disorder.
I have had Hashimotos for at least 20 years. What is Hashimotos Encephalitis? I am on Armour now for about 5 years and synthroid or levothyroxine before that. Thanks for all of the info on this thread.....
Thanks you so much Chicabee. I was just coming on to find out what test to have done, and lo and behold, you have done the research for me. I am going to print this out and show my dr.

I assume I'd be better off going to an endocrinologist? or should my family dr be able to tell me what's up?

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