Time to rehome my geese?

cottontail farm

9 Years
Dec 26, 2014
Rural NW Pa
I might just need to vent :rolleyes:
I love, love, love watching my geese but lately they've really been getting on my nerves. The three of them are so annoying right now. No, they're not nesting or laying they're just being miserable.
All they do is poop, honk, and chase chickens. Sometimes they multitask and do all three at the same time. The ganders favorite game ever is to stand beside the chicken coop ramp and bite the hens on the tail as they try to go in to lay eggs. They are confirmed duck killers. The noise from 3 geese is about the same as if we were running a dog kennel. And again, the poop. There is poop everywhere. They have a huge run and I've been using portable fencing ever since they decided to take a stroll down a busy road, in spite of the fact that we have 5 acres.
They're the big super africans from Metzers. I'm honestly thinking of selling them. They are huge and beautiful and majestic and have been around for 3 years but I may be at my breaking point here.
Any hope in salvaging this relationship? Anyone else been at this point? :he


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I love the honesty of this post!! I think anyone considering geese should read it to get a clear picture of what they're in for!
That being said...take a deep breath, and remind yourself they will calm down soon. The poop will still be there, but the constant screaming and bullying will get better once mating season has passed.

Also, I'll take your geese if you take my pair of problem ducks! 😂 I'm at my wit's end with them right now...they're currently locked in jail for the foreseeable future!
Where do you live? And what kind of ducks are we talking about? Sounds like a good deal to me! Lol.
I do miss ducks. These geese have murdered two so no more ducks for me.
Maybe you're right about it just being spring because I sure don't remember them being this annoying before. I've threatened to sell them and they just honk at me.
I’ve Had my gander 13 yrs just the 27 of April and Missy my goose for 8 yrs this month too. And every year from Feb till end of May I go through just what your going through. Boy they can get on a last nerve. But so far they have never killed a chick or duck just picked on them. But they are separated from everyone right now because my gander is recovering from a leg injury and him an my Muscovy drake will fight every chance they get. They can sure be a pain in the butt right now but I don’t think anyone would keep my gander around long he is just too ornery. So they will be here until I go or they do. You may find a wonderful home for them where they aren’t right in someone’s face. Out to pasture so to speak but that worries me too I like to know my birds are safe an secure. I do wish you the best on your decision. Have you ever thought of just giving them their own space at least during breeding season? No way could my geese be right at my back door my geese are bullies and my dogs would be very unhappy.
Thanks Miss Lydia. I'm going to hold out until June and see if things get better. They share a HUGE fenced area with the chickens. This is where the coops are and right now there really isn't another good spot to put them. The place we bought was very overgrown when we bought it and have been slowly clearing all of the brush. A fenced pasture is the goal.
That picture was taken last fall before they took their stroll down our high-speed, blind-curve road. That ended the free ranging. :rolleyes:

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