
I'm getting lots of fertilized eggs, but can't seem to get any to hatch. Unfortunately there is not a lot of information available about hatching these birds. *sigh*
Hey did you ever get any to hatch? Do they overwinter there or do you keep heated in winter? Im in canada too and am curious about these guys. Where did you buy from? Im western canada.
Well thats great news!! Ty for updating. Maybe in the future youde keep us in mind? Would love to figure out the incubation as that would be great gettinf shipped eggs. Anyways, good luck raising them!
Are their eggs really that shiny? The folks on my side of the computer don't believe it!
So the male finally left the nest (the males does the sitting and rearing). He hatched only 2 chicks but as it turns out, only 4 of the eggs were viable. There were however 14 eggs in the nest, which leads me to believe that I have one male and 3 females and he was only in love with one of them.. The other 2 eggs were removed and put in the incubator... who knows... maybe they will come a day or 2 late. I have to say, these are quickly becoming one of my favorite birds.
So I was just wondering if anyone was ever able to get some in North America? I am up in Pennsylvania and I would LOVE to start raising these guys!!!

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