tips and secrets of the GQF 1502 sportsman...

I am so enjoying following this thread and learning a lot. Think I'll put it in my 'Favorite' to refer to in the future.

Thought some of you might want to check in on the Eagle family where 2 Eaglet chicks are being raised in the wild by their parents. A camera has been placed filming live all day and night. One of the parents was just feeding the babies pieces of fish from the whole fish laying in the nest. This is a remarkable opportunity for us. I copied a shortcut on my desktop. Click on it several times a day to see what's going on.
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I am so enjoying following this thread and learning a lot. Think I'll put it in my 'Favorite' to refer to in the future.

Thought some of you might want to check in on the Eagle family where 2 Eaglet chicks are being raised in the wild by their parents. A camera has been placed filming live all day and night. One of the parents was just feeding the babies pieces of fish from the whole fish laying in the nest. This is a remarkable opportunity for us. I copied a shortcut on my desktop. Click on it several times a day to see what's going on.

I wasn't able to click on the link. Will try typing it out and see if it works in this reply.

Note: Sorry about double posts. Sometimes get confused how this all works. Just realized posts can be edited so think I fixed the link in each post.

Does this one work?
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I am thinking you might need help. Maybe you should join Incubators Anonymous now, before it becomes a problem.. I joined it and look how it has helped me.... 

The first step is admitting you have a problem. At this point I am just not willing to admit my addiction is a problem yet. Lol

May have to check out the group though so my addiction doesnt escalate. Lol It may keep me in check.

We are crazy chicken people and stand united. Lol
I think I should and probably have. In years past I hatched all of the time even before I got my cabinets, that's why I have so many styrofoam incubators.

and when I ran out of brooder space and coops I started using melon boxes.

When they learned they could fly out of the boxes I had to put wire over them or I would have to round them up and they like to hide.
I wanted to put the coops different but the way they ended up was hubby's idea. All I could say was "YES DEAR".

We are going to build new coops in another place that has access to water and electricity but is still fairly close to the other coops. I have electric wire around all of my pens and coops and will with the new ones too, as well as auto waterers..
Even if the water is initially warm, I'd think misting eggs during incubation would be a bad idea due to evaporative cooling.
Even if the water is initially warm, I'd think misting eggs during incubation would be a bad idea due to evaporative cooling.

I don't mist the eggs during incubation but do mist them after I put them in the hatchers. A well know breeder told me she misted her eggs then so I thought I'd try it, this was several years ago, I have had no problems.
I don't mist the eggs during incubation but do mist them after I put them in the hatchers. A well know breeder told me she misted her eggs then so I thought I'd try it, this was several years ago, I have had no problems.
Thanks! I've been lurking for a long time, just don't post much. :)
First :welcome    I don't mist the eggs during incubation but do mist them after I put them in the hatchers. A well know breeder told me she misted her eggs then so I thought I'd try it, this was several years ago, I have had no problems.

I mist as well once eggs go into lockdown and if I have to open the incubator during lockdown I mist to bring the humidity back up quickly. Has always worked well for me too. :)
A lot of folks Ive seen especially older breeders would not raise humidity in their cabinet incubators but would mist the eggs in the hatching tray..Ive tried it a couple times and had good hatches but its not something Ive done regularly enough to say how well it really works..

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