Today has been an exciting day!


10 Years
Feb 27, 2009
Last night I had one egg with a pip. . .today when I got home this afternoon I had two chicks hatch within 30min of when I walked in the door! Then within another two hours I had three more.
I have one more that is working on enlarging its pip and if it is like the others have been, it could be out within the hour!
I can't believe how fast these little ones have hatched, and how close together. Usually they like to draw it out for me.
I still have four more that don't seem to be doing anything, but it is only day 20, so I'm hoping for a few stragglers!
Oh, these are silkie/serama crosses, by the way, and oh my gosh so cute!! They are feisty little boogers, too. I have five
very angry chicks that I am not opening up the incubator yet!
I love it when they hatch nice and quickly as it takes that stress away of wondering if they're stuck or something. I've had some hatch last Sunday, a week old today. Had to take them from their mother as she attacked one and nearly killed it! She's a silkie too. But a first time mom so maybe that's the reason.

They're all doing fine, even the one that nearly died from the attack. His name is Lucky. :)
Enjoy your chicks, :)

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