A lot of good points made here already.

Only thing I can add is this:

Keep in mind that you are selling yourself to this employer, remember to point out your good features and benefits and what you can bring to the company.

A nicely written resume never hurts either.

Good luck!
be there 15 minutes early.
If you get there 30 minutes early, sit in the car until you're 15 minutes early. (they may have other applicants interviewing and they DO NOT want you talking to them, comparing notes)

Wear a white button down, long sleeve shirt, grey slacks, black belt black shoes grey socks. (match your pants)

If they have you sitting at a table with them sitting on the other side, DO NOT sit down until they offer you a chair. Then slide the chair close only until JUST YOUR KNEES are under the table. You don't want to be too comfortable but you don't want to be all "In your face" either.
Cross your legs at the ankle (under your chair) so you are less inclined to bounce or fidgit your legs.
keep your hands in your lap. If your chair is in the right place they can't see you wringing the life our of your hands.
If you talk with your hands normally, then by all means do so....but don't start waiving around like you're in a swarm of bees.

Usually at the end of the interview they will ask if you have any questions or anything else to say. SAY SOMETHING!!! don't just say "um nope" and walk out.
Say something like "We have covered quite a bit, are there any of my answers you'd like me to cover in greater detail? If not, then I'd like to say, I'm really looking forward to joining the petCo team. THank you for your time." shake hands and take your leave.
AS SOON AS YOU GET HOME SEND THEM A HAND WRITTEN THANK YOU NOTE!!! thanking them for the interview and how happy you'll be to join their team.
If they tell you when they will let you know the results of the interview DON"T CALL UNTIL THEN. If not then wait two days and go there or call (ask if they got your thankyou letter. )

On the way out stop and take time to thank everyone that helped you that day. from the checkout girl to the managers secretary. Better yet, leave them a little thankyou note.
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I'm praying for you. I know God will open the doors He wants opened for you. It sounds like a great opportunity and don't forget to mention your love of animals and how you like to help people. Stores really like great customer service. Without it, they are in a world of hurt.

Let your strengths shine. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers!
OH, I forgot something. If they have you fill in an application. Write VERY legibly and try your best to spell correctly. Remember, it's INTERVIEW, not enterview (sorry, to be picky). Make sure that your answers on the application are complete, so take a piece of paper with full names, addresses and phone numbers of personal and business references. Names, addresses and phone numbers (and dates) of the schools you attended. Believe it or not, having complete information will show your preparation and attention to detail.

Try to make sure your answers to questions make sense, so don't use any slang or abbreviations that would not be understandable to the interviewer: "I worked at ABC and was a TA for their IFC Department".
Mark, another trick question in interviews is when they ask "What is one of your weaknesses?" Turn that around, think about it ahead of time. In this type of position, you could answer something like, "I tend to be very friendly with everyone (the positive) and sometimes people just want a quick answer" It shows the interviewer that you think of yourself in a kind light.
Gaw... hate that question.
but a very important question it is. My DH interviews ALL THE TIME and trust me.. You really need to think about it because alot of people just say something completely off key and not in the best light, because they are nervous, and in an attempt to make a joke, I've heard answers to this so brazen as "I like to drink alot on the weekends" . DH just sits there dumbfounded with the answers people give and then when they realize it was NOT funny and they are being taken seriously.... they try the "I was just kidding, I was nervous and was trying to make light of a stressful situation. The REAL answer is...." but its too late... you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

You've been given great advice by everyone - just go over it in front of a mirror or have someone else ask you all the questions, as if they were the interviewer and have them mix the questions up ON PURPOSE. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE

You will immediately know how you will answer all the questions by having someone throw you a curve in rearranging the questions vs. how you wrote them down.
You will catch yourself stumbling, saying "uhm" or "yeah" or any other thing you do when you're nervous.

Good luck sweetie!
Thanks everyone!
i am still taking this all in

but i am still confused about the weakness question.. to be honest i wouldn't no what to say myself lol

i mean i know you all are giving me this info as clearly as you can but the weakness part i am still at a brick wall with

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