Today's temperature = # of eggs.

Wow! Don't suppose you are an accountant or something? What a specific, organized, and detailed post!
Tracking weather and other details is easy with this site:!graphs;a=USA/64137/MO/Kansas_City

Tracking the sun is made easy with this site:

But then I carefully observe and log my chickens productivity... I track and chart everything in a series of spreadsheets.

I also monitor the "weather" in the coop with a remote indoor outdoor thermometer/hygrometer:

(this photo was taken Jan 3)
It is currently reading 28.5° with 33% humidity

I am an artist by trade, so I am usually in my right mind (lol?)... but these are my first chickens and I love to learn... so... this is the kind of thing the left side of my brain does to work out and stay in shape.
Today was a high of 28 8 eggs from my 10 girls - 4 RIR's, 3 Red Sex Links, 2 Australorps, 1 Black Star - not too bad!
22 degrees currently, only one egg from our re sexlinked, she's our most consistent layer, out of 4 hens.
Okay, wasn't sure the best forum to start this but figured since we were going to talk about egg laying this one would work.  This was a suggested thread on another site and I thought it might be fun to hear from around the world.  Just post your temperatures for the day, how many eggs (if any) you collected, and what breed (if you know) laid them.

Yesterday we had a high of 37degrees F.

We got 7 eggs from 17 layers in a mixed flock (see profile below).

Look forward to seeing others reports!
We had a high of 40 (low 29) today and I got 2 from 2. First time in a few days that both laid (it's been colder this week).
11 mutts laid 5 eggs and only one was frozen solid and split open. Today's high was ZERO. I worry about them getting cold, yet they stand around outside sleeping when it's -10°.

Tonights low will be -31° F brrrrrr
Here in New Hampshire it was -8 this morning with a wind chill of -17. Got up to a high of 17*F. I got 4 out of my normally 6 eggs. My silkie egg was split open with a frozen inside. No heat or artificial light for my ladies. One of my EEs started laying last week and has been laying every other day.
Here in NC we had a high of 35 today (very unusual for us). I got 5 eggs from 25 hens. Breeds are RIRs, Welsummer, Cuckoo, EEs, Speckled Sussex, Buffs and Red sex links.

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