Today's temperature = # of eggs.

Laying Reliably
Brown Leghorn @ 10:30am
Easter Egger @ 11:30am
Easter Egger @ 12:30pm
Silver Laced Wyandotte @ 3:30pm

Not Laying
Easter Egger has taken 7 days off in a row
Still Waiting for first egg
Easter Egger
Silver Laced Wyandotte

I'm guessing your SLW isn't going to lay tomorrow but you should be good for the Leghorn and 2 EEs.

Some of my girls are starting to show a pattern based on time of day they last laid. Of course it IS more obvious when someone has to go out every hour to see if there are any eggs so they don't freeze!

Zorra laid before 8 AM, Persephone (*) late afternoon. If Zorra sticks to what must be a 24 hours and not very many minutes cycle, she'll lay for many more days to come. And Persephone will probably take tomorrow off.
(*) If I correctly remember what my wife told me!

Wow! Don't suppose you are an accountant or something? What a specific, organized, and detailed post!

I was going to tell you that Gifa is an artist (she and I already went through this
) but I see she answered.
Sure have a lot of new people now that your thread hit the home page carousel, Congrats Puddin, you've made the big league!

Hello,can I join?

You bet! I wonder how many BYC members are in Algeria?

We had a high of 40 (low 29) today and I got 2 from 2. First time in a few days that both laid (it's been colder this week).

As the theory projects

We have 56 layers including barred rocks, golden comets, RIR, ISA browns, and easter eggers. Here in Mid-Michigan it "warmed up" to about 14 degrees today.

My egg count continues to decline. The lowest number ever was today with only 25 eggs. We haven't let them out of the coop for three days, so I'm sure that has been a factor too.

More proof of the theory

But today I got a green egg. The problem is I dont have any EE's only a buff Orpington and my Silkie. I know it is too big for my Silkie. I looked up the details of the Orp and they lay a light brown egg. My total hens is 5 and I got 3 eggs.

I am stumped. Any ideas.


Ever hear about the guy who was bragging ad nauseum to his friends about how great his MPG was? And he kept going on about how it was getting better and better? Then he was complaining to them that it dove to almost nothing (when the friends who had been putting gas in the tank every night started siphoning instead)?

Maybe you have "friends"!

I do know that one of my pullets is laying "big girl" eggs

(Use your best Ed McMahon voice) How big was it??

Perfect opportunity to brag on Zorra the Wonder Chicken (my larger Australorp). Her usual egg is 62 grams. I thought the 82 Gram egg she laid last week was big. She delivered an 88 gram egg before 8 AM today. For reference, (USA) Large starts at 58 grams, XL at 65 g and Jumbo starts at 72 grams. Using real math (rather than the usual chicken math) I think that makes her egg today an XXXJumbo

It's been in the upper 40s for a high and I've been getting 2-3 eggs per day from 5 hens. But today was in the 50s and NO EGGS!

Closer to that Pulitzer

Colder today than yesterday and 6 eggs to yesterday's 5. As is most often the case, the Australorps and EEs contributed 4 of them.

I dont weigh my eggs
but I did catch Angel laying a hen sized egg. which for me would be considered probably an XL egg if you compare it size wise to the store eggs. All my "big girl" eggs are L to XL in size and mt pullet eggs are about half that size if not smaller but they are adorable and are very good eatin
12 eggs from 17 girls, all of whom are MUTTS! Now that's what I call "Hybrid Vigor"!
Oh, and we had a daytime high temperature of 30F with the same two feet of snow on the ground that we've had since New Years Eve. I so love my mutts! No better laying hen in the world, IMHO!
12 eggs from 17 girls, all of whom are MUTTS! Now that's what I call "Hybrid Vigor"!
Oh, and we had a daytime high temperature of 30F with the same two feet of snow on the ground that we've had since New Years Eve. I so love my mutts! No better laying hen in the world, IMHO!
I agree! Our mutts were the best! But now I only have purebreds for show.
High temp today was 13 but very windy all day. Out of 18 hens we had 10 eggs. Our best day in a long time. Go figure. First night we left the light on all night to give them a little warmth in the hen house. I give them a warm oatmeal/cornmeal mash twice a day when the weather is this cold. Breeds are: 7 barnyard mixes; Bantam and ?, Baby Mama and her "chicks"; Honey, Chocolate, Falcon, Cream, Dot, Butterscotch 4 Rocks Biddie, Emerson,Wilma (one, Flopsey, poor dear is molting so not laying) 1 Wyandotte Lula Crown, 1 Auracana Ella, 1 Americana Hazel, 1 Blue Copper Marans True and three RIR x RIW Stars Brenda, Katorah, Ima. Checked for eggs every hour and only one froze out of the ten. She laid it outside the nest box and I didn't see it unfortunately.
High temp today was 13 but very windy all day. Out of 18 hens we had 10 eggs. Our best day in a long time. Go figure. First night we left the light on all night to give them a little warmth in the hen house. I give them a warm oatmeal/cornmeal mash twice a day when the weather is this cold. Breeds are: 7 barnyard mixes; Bantam and ?, Baby Mama and her "chicks"; Honey, Chocolate, Falcon, Cream, Dot, Butterscotch 4 Rocks Biddie, Emerson,Wilma (one, Flopsey, poor dear is molting so not laying) 1 Wyandotte Lula Crown, 1 Auracana Ella, 1 Americana Hazel, 1 Blue Copper Marans True and three RIR x RIW Stars Brenda, Katorah, Ima. Checked for eggs every hour and only one froze out of the ten. She laid it outside the nest box and I didn't see it unfortunately.
Oops the Wyandotte is a Silver Laced and i should say we are in So Central NH.
- 13 C last night, here in Denmark. 2 eggs from my 2 buff orpington ducks (they lay 13 eggs every week) and 2 eggs from my 2 australorp and 2 faverolles chickens.

I love the ducks. Larger eggs. Tastes better. Are done laying before sunrise. And no eating eggs or chrushing them. I can see why they where on the brink of outcompeting the chickens before ww2. But then hybrids and battery chickens came.
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It's been in the 20's the past few days. I have 5 hens. 2 Rhode island reds, 2 leghorns and 1 Dominique. All winter long I'm collecting 5 eggs a day, except the occasional day that one of my girls takes a day off. I'm usually collecting 35 eggs a week. We have a family of 4. I have a few neighbors who purchase my eggs. Nice to know that my hens are keeping up.

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