Today's temperature = # of eggs.

my hens have been inside for the last 2 weeks due to bad winter weather. Yesterday my chickens knocked the egg basket down and I lost at least a dz eggs. I got less than 2 dz yesterday out of 60 hens. I think they can go outside today to play but they won't stay out long due to the weather. I'm also thinking that the eggs under my broody hen died. She was found sitting on another nest yesterday :hit
(Sunday) Low 34, High 39
9 eggs , all but one Faverolles and both Cubalayas.

(Monday) Low 22, High 45
8 eggs - Same crew as yesterday except the other Faverolles laid today.

(Tuesday) Low 31, High 45
7 eggs. One was laid overnight into Wednesday.

(Wednesday) Low 31, High 47
8 eggs. The one that laid overnight laid a larger egg that looked a bit like a balloon that had deflated and got a bit wrinkly

Saving the Ancona eggs to dye for Easter. I told the kids, HEY you already Have colored eggs. Lots of brown shades plus blue AND green! They weren't buying it

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Our weather is still up and down. We had been below freezing at night 50s in the day. Last night was in the 40s and hi today in lo 60s. averaging 6 to 8 from 12 girls. Still waiting for my banty to lay.
70's here today!!! :) :) chickens are singing, haven't checked yet today. But been getting 7 to 9 eggs out of my 9 big hens, one bantam still laying. And 2 bantams setting together on one nest with 13 eggs! Should hatch around the 9 th of April...
(Thursday) Low 35, High 50
8 eggs

(Friday) Low 39, High 50
8 eggs

(Saturday) Low 29, High 50
8 eggs.

Oddly consistent high temp, and number of eggs.

Sunday: Low 29 High 57 - 7 eggs
Monday: Low 40 High 47 - 9 eggs
Tuesday: Low 22 High 34 - 10 eggs. If I get to count this tiny little thing I found in the run:

It weighs all of 8 grams. The blue one next to is is 58 grams. I have 2 girls that lay white and there was only one white egg in the nest boxes today.

Been away so I had to read several posts to get up to date. Weather is mostly chilly here...egg production staying pretty much the same...
Until today when it appears that at least 3 of our new RSL have laid eggs. There was one in the box is morning but I think it was from yesterday, it was pretty cold. High today of 35
3/6 RSL and so far 6/11 of our year old gals! But the day isn't over yet!

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