Toddlers are Quackers

Oh! Lol. Used to live in the near vicinity, but moved north almost 4 years ago.

Several years ago, I got together with a bunch of high school friends that I used to drink that stuff with, so we went and bought a bottle. Nas-ty! Oh good lord, we poured the stuff out and decided that they changed the recipe

I can remember getting a horrible headache from it...there is no way in the world i would even try it again.
There was another flavor...Im trying to rem. It might have been a fuzzy peach something.
what were we thinking back then?
I can remember getting a horrible headache from it...there is no way in the world i would even try it again.
There was another flavor...Im trying to rem. It might have been a fuzzy peach something.
what were we thinking back then?
Fuzzy naval!

I think it's clothing I close MC?
Oh! Lol. Used to live in the near vicinity, but moved north almost 4 years ago.

Several years ago, I got together with a bunch of high school friends that I used to drink that stuff with, so we went and bought a bottle. Nas-ty! Oh good lord, we poured the stuff out and decided that they changed the recipe

I really wanted to watch their show and laugh last night but I couldn't find it.
My dogs have a tasty snack....AGAIN.
Chicken nuggets...
So I am thinking I am going to wait on raising chickens for a little while.
Until I can figure out how to build a Fort Knox!

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